Saturday 3 February 2024

Internet Failure

After discovering my internet not working, I spent a whole morning trying to get hold of the ISP.  They have concluded the BT master plug built in ADSL filter has failed, so they would mail me a new one.  The little filter is so precious, that they would not slot into my postbox?

So I tried to use the Library's internet, and their fibre was damaged last week and yet to be repaired! 

The only internet working was my work phone's 4G.  So don't think wired internet is any more robust than mobile internet...

I had to resort to watching terrestrial television!

After days of faffing, they finally agreed to send me a new router, and it finally fixed it five days later.  Which I told them day one when I spoke to them.  Let see if there will be any compensation come my way.

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