Thursday 29 February 2024

Free Dinner Seminar

I signed up for a seminar, it came with free dinner!  Learning and feeding, perfect!  Maybe in near future, I will ask my company to may my membership dues to that organisation.

Wednesday 28 February 2024

Arena Swimming

I finally tried out my new Arena swimming goggles I bought in Hong Kong.  Arena is less popular here, so I don't see a lot of them, maybe only for proper swimmer?  It was very good indeed.  So much better than the cheap one I got from the SD.

Lets hope I will not scratch them too much.

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Petting Zoo

I met up with an old friend at Longford Park, and they had a petting zoo.  I had never been to a petting zoo as such.  It was all chickens and rabbits, so boring...

Monday 26 February 2024

One Day IKEA Erection

I put up the IKEA wardrobe in record time, less than a day, with a little assistant from Sarah.  A joiner has quoted me two person day rate total at £600, which is what I saved!  It was actually fairly easy to erect, long may it last.

Except one panel arrived damaged, I had the joy to return it...

Sunday 25 February 2024

Eat Leeds

Followed on the pandemic Eat Out to Help Out, some cities continue to do some kind of discount scheme, especially in the Winter low season.  I was hoping we would make good use of the Eat Leeds offers, but we only managed to go to one restaurant, one we had been before.  Maybe next year we should try something new.

Saturday 24 February 2024

Overwinter Garlic

I was certain the overwinter garlic was going to be ready.  I dug two out, there were no bulb!  I made the decision to stick them back in the soil, let's hope they would continue to mature...

Friday 23 February 2024

Zero % Everything

We made the decision to use IKEA PLATSA wardrobe, sooner than I thought, with the help with zero percent APR loan.  I thought I was going to give spending a break, after the conservatory, but since they were doing zero APR, might as well.

Thursday 22 February 2024

When AI Doesn't Work

The camera is supposed to identify the item, and it failed.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

Tiny IKEA Lunch

I have concluded IKEA lunch is actually tiny, so maybe I should just avoid it.  The same food is sold cheaper at kiosk, except it is usually longer queue and less choice.

Tuesday 20 February 2024

Sunny Winter Day

A mild Winter Sunny day, my PV system has generated 16kWh!  Roll on sunshine!

Monday 19 February 2024

Big Bird Deterrant Failure

I put some chain on one of the bird feeders, supposedly deterring big birds from feeding on them.  The local black bird still found their way...

Sunday 18 February 2024

Motorcycle Outing

I took Unthank out for the first ride of the year, it was wetter than expected.

The motorcycle trousers has shrunk a little over winter!

I managed to beat the rain home luckily.

Saturday 17 February 2024

The Daily Show

Jon Stewart is back on The Daily Show, only for one night in a week.  Diversity is always good.

Friday 16 February 2024

Educational Xray

I have no use of the Xray film, but since I had it, I passed it along for educational purposes. Apparently children are facinated by that.


Thursday 15 February 2024

First Year PV Review

According to the inverter, I made at least 4,500 kWh.  Because I don't have a communication dongle, so I cannot see the exact numbers, which is fine. 

4,500kWh exceeds the MCS prediction of 4,320kWh.  On the PGVIS model, it seems to think I would make close to 4,600kWh, however it doesn't allow for clipping.

My export account wasn't setup till late April, so I wouldn't know how much I exported for a full year till then.

Wednesday 14 February 2024

M60 Nightmare

There I was again, on the same trip, I already had a head start by going across M62 the night before, but M60 was still a nightmare.

Tuesday 13 February 2024

Folding a Folding Bike

So there are actually two ways of folding my folding bike, with the front wheel turned in or turned out.  It really doesn't help when the bike did not come with an instruction, it does feel like neither is perfect.

Monday 12 February 2024

Weekend Shopping Mania

We don't go out much, let alone shopping rush hours that is weekend.  Aldi was crazy, Crown Point was crazy.  It has totally confirmed our fear.

Sunday 11 February 2024

Superglue Dispenser

I bought a little super glue to glue a few things, the dispenser is so bad that I cannot access the remainder glue, which is a shame, and not very environmental friendly...

Saturday 10 February 2024

Conservatory Removal

You cannot make omelette without breaking some eggs.  The old conservatory needs to be removed to make room for the replacement.  The inside of the conservatory became the outside of the conservatory, and I had to worry about protecting the electrics and radiators against the cold and the weather...  Scary.

Friday 9 February 2024

Snowy Sheffield

I went to Sheffield on a snowy day.  I knew Sheffield + Snow = bad, so I took the car to the train station and took a train.  Luckily the trains were also on time, the new umbrella had its first outing.  My feet got very wet though.

There were nearly 2 inch if snow on the windscreen, and that was too heavy for the wiper, heated windscreen also cannot shift them, so I had to manually remove them!

Thursday 8 February 2024

Etymology - Cathay

Follow on from the Kitay Etymology, as it turns out, the word has travelled all the way to the West, it turned into Cathay, but it usually referred to the Northern bit.

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Radiator Booster Fans

Radiator booster fans sound like a good idea, except the price.  Just get a fan...

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Garforth Repair Cafe

I repaired a couple things in the repair cafe.  I cannot believe it is possible to have that much bread crumbs in a toaster...

Monday 5 February 2024

New Motorola Moto

Sarah got a new Moto G13, so I got her 4-years old hand me down Moto G7.  All setup well, let's hope they behave.

I am surprised that G7 has built-in Canton input, which works well.

Sunday 4 February 2024


We went to Prashad to have some expensive South Indian food.  It was very delicate. 

Saturday 3 February 2024

Internet Failure

After discovering my internet not working, I spent a whole morning trying to get hold of the ISP.  They have concluded the BT master plug built in ADSL filter has failed, so they would mail me a new one.  The little filter is so precious, that they would not slot into my postbox?

So I tried to use the Library's internet, and their fibre was damaged last week and yet to be repaired! 

The only internet working was my work phone's 4G.  So don't think wired internet is any more robust than mobile internet...

I had to resort to watching terrestrial television!

After days of faffing, they finally agreed to send me a new router, and it finally fixed it five days later.  Which I told them day one when I spoke to them.  Let see if there will be any compensation come my way.

Friday 2 February 2024

Ozone Hole Update

I read a short article about the ozone hole not getting better, then I talked about it with my friends.  I had a better understanding than them, but it also reminded me to look it up, so I did.

The Ozone hole opens in Southern Hemisphere Winter and normally closes for Summer.  The 2023 Antarctic ozone hole became the 7th latest closing observed.  And it was largest ever observed in September.

Thursday 1 February 2024

Claustrophobic Bin

I was so excited to get an automatic bin.  Who would have known, it stops working if it is inside a cupboard?  How can a bin be claustrophobic?