Friday 4 April 2014

Near Miss in Horrible Harrogate

I had my fair share of road experiences, accidents and near miss.  This one is one of the scariest.

There was a long queue into Harrogate, so a car decided to overtake the queue approaching the round about and possible turning right.  As it was single lane traffic up to the round about, the car decided to overtake the long queue over 20 cars on the opposing traffic lane, my lane.

As soon as I went past the round about and started accelerating, I saw the car on my lane.  I had to break very hard to swerve out of his way.  It was a misty day, I could have skidded.  And thanks to my new brake pads, I was in good control of my bike. 

The car behind me had to do the same for this idiot.

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