Monday 30 June 2014

Danger of cul-de-sac

I was the cul-de-sac, and this little IQ pulled out.  The IQ has a small turning circle, the driver just swing it around.  I stopped for the maneuver, but I was sure she did not see me, and did not care for taking up the whole road.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Alison Riske

Carol and I first saw Riske in Birmingham AGEON Classic.  She was playing mostly ITF, but trying out some WTA matches.

Riske was going to Vanderbilt like her sister Sarah, but she went pro instead.  I remember taking some yearbook pictures from the teams, including tennis team with Sarah.  So I am probably 2 or 3 degree separated from Alison.

I remember commented about how she had the shadow of Dementieva.  I thought about getting a picture with her, but one way or the other, we didn't get it.

A few years on, she made into 3rd round in the Wimbledon.  I am very happy for her.  She played some nice shots, but I wonder if she is suitable to play full western style.

If Carol is coming to England as planned, we hope to see her in either Birmingham or Eastbourne.  We will definitely try to catch her this time.

Saturday 28 June 2014

Posh Carrot

Verity asked if I can pick up some carrots from the market, not the normal carrots, the carrots still with the green attached.

Usually it takes me 10 minutes in the market, and I would have done the price check and bought everything.  I checked out all the vegetable stalls outside, and all the stall inside, only one stall sell it.

Those carrots was 5 times the normal carrots.  I refuse to buy them, I got Verity some mushrooms instead.

Friday 27 June 2014

Language Training

I haven't been listening to my old songs.  Then I started, I remember why I can speak properly over these times being abroad.

Thursday 26 June 2014

Red Hot Phones

I don't usually use data on the phone, and even if I do, I don't use it for long.

Whilst I was in the course, I was logging on work email, and it did not take long to heat up the Blackberry.  And it also drains the battery very quickly.

I wonder why do people keep their data on on their phone.

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Shoulder of Mutton

Shoulder of Mutton is a very nice pub in Kirby Overblow.  What a funny named town.

I don't often advertise, but it is a very nice pub.  Very nice decor, very nice atmosphere and a little over the top with the sleep decor.

But the most interesting thing is that, shoulder of mutton is on the menu.  I have not seen shoulder of mutton in the other Shoulder of Muttons I previously visited.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Electrical Regs

After much persuasion, my boss let me sign up o 17th Edition Elec Regs Course. 

I found very useful, and many things fall into places.  A lot of phenomena makes sense.

When I get back, I need to do some managing!

Monday 23 June 2014

Continuous Mistakes

I was baking one of the cookies from my bible.  I have baked this cookies so many times, I cannot believe I am till making small mistakes.

I salvaged the dough, but I can taste my mistake!  I have to pay more attention when I bake.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Rating Culture

Sarah insists on reading TripAdvisor on everything before we try out hotels or restaurants.  So we ended up with this small curry house, listed as number 1 on TripAdvisor.

The curry house was tiny without sufficient ventilation, and with all the hot plates in the house, it was quite smoky.  The food was edible, the portion size of sundries were tiny.  There was a foreign object in one of the curry.  The food by no means good, even the waiter said it himself, how the service was their selling point.

I had to remind Sarah about this fake seafood restaurant in Devon made to the top of TripAdvisor list.

First of all, I am not keen on trying out new restaurant.  Secondly, why can't we just try something ourselves rather than having to read up and research about it.

For the rating to be truly representative, one of us should bash the restaurant on the website, but since I could not care less about this rating culture, and the others possess British pleasantry are not going to write up this restaurant, so the rating will forever be skewed.  So why so we bother?

Saturday 21 June 2014

Window 8 Split Screen

Sarah and I were ranting about Window 8.  Becky told us you can setup split screen on the apps and use other apps.  Now I have tried it out, Window 8 is much more acceptable.

Friday 20 June 2014

World Cup Disappointment All Round

Disappointing result all round.  I cannot believe Japan lost of Greece.  And a lot of disappointed English fans.

Thursday 19 June 2014

Motorcycle Cleaning

Little Rome is very dirty, and I was considering for a full valet and a ACF treatment.  But there is no provider in nearby area, so I washed her instead.

While I was washing her, I spotted a loose part.  It was a crucial part, and I am glad I spotted it in time.

I really should pay more attention to little Rome.  I need to clean the air filter and air box next time I am at Verity's and I have her booked in for the radiator and forks mid July.  I hope she will be happier...

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Roadshow Freebies

In the olden days, road shows gave freebies away like they were free.  These days, there isn't as much freebies.  But after I mentioned about business opportunities, the freebies came out of the bag.  How realistic.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Recycling Roadshow

The cleaning company has put up a recycling road show on site.  The waste and recycling company informs us on the recycling policy on site.  The modern recycling facilities can process composite waste, meaning we can recycling just about everything.  And with the modern recycled products, such as recycled plastic fence post, there are many ways for the waste to go rather than landfill.  Last of all, the company has a waste incinerator power plant, we can squeeze the last bit of the energy out of the waste before the ashes go into ground.  The modern catalysts can remove all noxious gases.  It is great to see technology has moved on since I last learnt about them.

Monday 16 June 2014

Sunday 15 June 2014

World Cup

World Cup 2014 is underway.  I cannot believe England lost the first game.  Or I can't believe England supporters are bigging England up.

It would be disappointing if Brazil does not win the whole thing, with the home court advantage and everything.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Radiator Close Up

Looking at the radiator close up, there are tiny fins in the radiators.  Interesting.

Friday 13 June 2014

Measurement of Time

Certain people do certain things in hours.  Certain people do certain things in days.  Certain people do certain things in weeks.  Certain people do certain things in months.  It is very draining dealing with people working in a different time frame.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Traveling without Passport

There is a passport backlog in the passport office here.  What kind of people book their holiday before having a valid passport in their hands?

Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Pie Town

I stopped at Wetherby for some onions after work.  It was not even 6pm, the pies were already at rock bottom prices.  I could not refuse!  I have a 'healthy' stash of pies in my freezer for my English diet.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Radiator Cleaning

The radiator has arrived.  It is in a very poor shape.  But on first inspection, it is not leaking.  I have started cleaning the radiator, but it will be a long battle.  Everything this age has corrode, there is only so much I could do.  I just need to try my best, and apply corrosion inhibitor, and stick it on.

Monday 9 June 2014

Airline Industry

BBC has put up a programme on an airline.  I remember I used to know a lot of these information.  I remember I used to like this stuff.  I remember I used to like the idea of having a career in this industry.  I remember I tried, and failed, and given up.  There really isn't any point for me to watch this programme.  I am either bored of it of angry with life.  So I rather watch something else.

Sunday 8 June 2014

Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Yorkshire Wildlife Park has turned out to be better than expected.  Too bad Flickr has acted up, so I cannot easily post static pictures.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Motorcycle Accident

When I was driving down to Doncaster, there was an accident.  It was a motorcycle accident.  It does not look like there was a car, or the car had moved on, only the bike on its side, an ambulance on the scene.  I wondered what happen, I can learn a lesson from it.

Friday 6 June 2014

SRAD Radiator

These days, a lot of bikers are breaking down SRAD, so SRAD radiator is easier to find.  I have bought one online, I hope it turns out okay, and little Rome will be happier.

Thursday 5 June 2014

Crack Propagation

Crack propagation is commonly seen in metal, ceramic and polymers.  Crack propagates better in a uniform structure.  On the other hand, cracks can hardly grow on composites.  Chaotic structure dissipates stresses and stops cracks.

We can either be plain or composites.  We can either discover cracks early and manage the crack, or become composite and let chaos run out lives.

Lets get the ultra sound out, and inspect all areas to find and deal with all the nano cracks before they become problematic.

Wednesday 4 June 2014


How is Episode getting these big American (former) stars on their show?  Is our license fee and tax month paying for their appearance or these (former) stars are glad to cameo on anyone who asks?

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Time is Priceless

Sometime in hind sight, I should have spent the money I could afford, to get what I want immediately.  Especially in situations that time injects uncertainty exponentially.  I must think better in the future.

Monday 2 June 2014

Maple Syrup

Pancake for me means spongy sweet pancake with butter.  I always skip the syrup, because they are sweet enough.

My maple syrup, curtsey of my Vancouverian cousin, has ran out.  Sarah urged me to replenish the maple syrup to we can continue to enjoy pancakes.

Sarah got this idea about American always eat pancakes with maple syrup, and I have tried to convince her otherwise, syrup perhaps, but definitely not maple syrup.  She doubted me authority on the Americanism.  So I just double checked with Phil, and he confirmed my view, "it's extremely expensive and used nearly only by the higher echelons of the house wife type strata of society."

I probably don't replenish my maple syrup supplies, I don't usually keep food I don't eat in my cupboard.  If Sarah pass off pancakes due to lack of maple syrup, the more for me.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Airflow Jacket

I got this airflow jacket for the hot summer days.  I can hear many of the UK laugh as I type.  And every year in early summer, I put on the jacket and remember how airy this jacket is!