Monday 2 June 2014

Maple Syrup

Pancake for me means spongy sweet pancake with butter.  I always skip the syrup, because they are sweet enough.

My maple syrup, curtsey of my Vancouverian cousin, has ran out.  Sarah urged me to replenish the maple syrup to we can continue to enjoy pancakes.

Sarah got this idea about American always eat pancakes with maple syrup, and I have tried to convince her otherwise, syrup perhaps, but definitely not maple syrup.  She doubted me authority on the Americanism.  So I just double checked with Phil, and he confirmed my view, "it's extremely expensive and used nearly only by the higher echelons of the house wife type strata of society."

I probably don't replenish my maple syrup supplies, I don't usually keep food I don't eat in my cupboard.  If Sarah pass off pancakes due to lack of maple syrup, the more for me.

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