Monday 21 July 2014

Tan Hill

I joined GBMCC to Tan Hill.  This was the second time I had been to Tan Hill.  The first time Dave led us to Tan Hill, I was entertaining Carol, so I was not able to join the group.  But I got the direction from Dave, Carol and I went on our bike the first time.

Dave's direction sent us on a difficult track, with a pillion, it was not pleasant!  Apparently after that, we go to Tan Hill every year, and Dave takes us on the easy road instead.

The weather held up, so it was more pleasant that I remembered.  We came across a tractor rally and a Porsche group.  The tractors were big and bouncing all over the narrow road, we overtook them all, it was actually quite dangerous.

The pub was heaving.  We ate at the pub.  I found a hair in my Sunday roast...  I was not impressed.

On the way down, the road was very twisty.

Tan Hill is more or less a touristy novelty place.  I probably won't go again unless I am taking visitors.

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