Saturday 28 February 2015

Giant Mushroom

I saw some giant mushroom in the market, so I had to get a couple.  This one is bigger than my hand!  I am not sure how I would cook it, so I am passing them onto Sarah.

Friday 27 February 2015

Pony Tail Time

My hair is so long that I am sufficiently annoyed to tie up my pony tail.  I will have to keep the it till April, can't wait.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Searching for Scrap Money

Recently I have been searching for scrap money.  I felt like betting is like searching for scrap in the field.  It is draining, but to find something from nothing is never easy.  I just need to remember when I do weigh in my scrap, they all came from my hard work.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Trust the Statistician

When playing a game of chance, trust your odds, trust the statisticians.  Bet hot!

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Ham Out

Sarah wanted ham for her sandwiches.  So we made ham, and had the broth.

I got another gammon from the shop, and I will also have ham all week.  I maybe hammed out by the end of the week.

Monday 23 February 2015


A great way to make stupid people money is to package something ordinary and slap a label with claims.

Sarah has been advised to drink lots of water, and as a result, she would be losing a lot of essential salts.  So I have been telling Sarah to put salt and sugar in her water to help her rehydrate.

So Sarah told her stupid friend about my suggestion, and she said, "there is no detrimental effect by taking water" and "use Dioralyte, not regular salt".

As soon as I google Dioralyte, main ingredients are sodium chloride, potassium chloride and glucose, go figure.

When I see idiots like that, I really like to correct them.  I just need to remember these people are stupid, and just let them be.  Let them pay 4 quid for nicely packaged salt and sugar.

Sunday 22 February 2015

FB Goes After the Oldies

I started seeing Facebook Advert on TV.  I wondered why, and I think they are doing after the oldies, telling the oldies that connecting with their friends online is a good idea.

Ultimately FB just wants to get more advertisers.

Saturday 21 February 2015

Wastage of Effort

When my friends come to me, and suggest something utterly waste of effort or money, I get quite angry and upset.  I tried my best to put them straight, but a lot of time is fruitless.

On the other hand, they don't appreciate me just saying, "do whatever you like."

To my ears, they are just saying, "burning money, burning money, wasting time, wasting time".  What do they expect me to say?

It matters less when their wastage does not affect me.  Or I really don't care for them that much.

Friday 20 February 2015

Happy New Year of Rams

This morning I woke up a few minutes early, so I rang home for the Chinese New Year.

Duty done, yay.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Selby Abbey got a Tourist Boost

I have been meaning to go to Selby Abbey, I just couldn't find a motivation to go to Selby.

Marie told me some Japanese or Korean celebrity got married there recently, we both wonder why, and it certainly put Selby on the map.

So I googled Selby Abbey, lo and behold, it was Jay Chou who got married there.

Maybe I will visit the abbey this summer.  They better not start charging for admission.

Wednesday 18 February 2015


Rob offered us stovies, Scottish stew.  I reluctantly accepted.  Rob's version is rather spicy, and used cheap sausages rather than beef.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Where is Oakwood Clock?

I took a bus into Leeds and went past Oakwood.  Much to my amazment, the Oakwood Clock disappeared.

I was unsure if it will get turned into a carpark, it would be sad to see a landmark go.

Then I googled it.  Oakwood clock itself have a website!  And hopefully the refurbishment goes well and it will come back shortly.

Monday 16 February 2015

Sugar Management

Every time I do exercise for a prolong period, I have to plan to top up my sugar level regularly.

Nature Valley appears to work like a charm.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Magnum Black Espresso

I have been meaning to try this, and I got them on offer at Tesco.

It is quite nice, but it is insufficiently coffeey.  Then I found out, it is only the swirl that is expresso.

I think I will stick with normal Magnum.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Valentine's Exclusion

I have been shopping at Groupon.  Most of the fine prints say not redeemable on Feb 14, even one merchant didn't put that in their fine print is now refusing to take Groupon for the day.

Friday 13 February 2015

Valentine's Wind Up

Someone you know who at work was boasting about his conquests.  And someone else decided to send him a few anonymous cards to wind him up.

The worst thing is that he bought it!

Thursday 12 February 2015

'Crisp Bread'

There is nothing wrong with the normal biscuits or crackers, but all the marketing people have to jazz it up, so they are now called 'crisp bread'.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Sugar Crash

Somehow I get sugar crash after an afternoon soda, I must watch my consumption.

It is especially dangerous when I am driving!  Tiredness can kill!

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Plane Landed without Front Wheel

Plane Land without Front Wheel would resemble my 'precautionary landing'.  We were sent to a military airport out of sight, otherwise we would be on the news.  I think our landing was a bit smoother than this one.

Monday 9 February 2015

Brown Rosemary

The rosemary plant I adopted has turned brown.  Without looking it up, I watered it again.

Then while I was bored on the bus, I googled it.  It turns brown indicating rotting roots, usually due to excessive amount of water.

I will never water that thing again!  The English sky has done enough watering!  Let just hope it survive this winter...

Sunday 8 February 2015

Motorcycle Withdrawal

I only really have SAD in Autumn, but I think I am a bit low lately.  I have worked out, it is not SAD, it is motorcycle withdrawal syndromes.  Just when winter comes and I get over the SAD in Autumn, I have to lock up little Rome, and the withdrawal syndrome kicks in after a few weeks, and here we are.

There really isn't a solution.  I could only rely temporarily music and comedy.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Sony Earphone

I have come across some Sony earphone, maybe it is the sign I need to listen more music.

Friday 6 February 2015

Train Station Visitor Centres

Visitor centres used to be in the train stations.  York is a touristy city and they moved their into town, and the shop in the station is now a pasty shop.  I was shocked to know the one in Leeds is moved.  It has been moved to the Art Gallery.  I should check it out.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Energy Saving by Lagging Humans

Another sale item, with this hooded robe and my monster slippers, I can turn down my heating!!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Monster 2

We are now at the second phase of after Christmas sale, things has got cheaper.  I got a second pair of monster slippers.  This pair is cheaper and also warmer, but less beasty looking.

Groundhog said another 6 weeks of winter, the monster may walk all over my house for another 6 weeks.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Leeds Library Services

There is a tiny Whinmoor Library.  Since I didn't get a chance to return my books to city centre, I dropped them off at Whinmoor.

As I was cautious, I double checked Whinmoor Library's opening time, they do not open Mondays, and my books were due Monday, so I extended the books just in case they penalize me for late returns.

I could have taken them to city centre this week...

Monday 2 February 2015

Wii Day

Sarah and I were ahead of schedule.  We went into town to run errands and watched movie.  So we had whole day to play with Wii.

Sarah even got Kyle and Luiz to weigh in.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Bus Flat Rate

We took the bus from Seacroft to York, thinking surely it would be cheaper than from Leeds to York.  It was £8.

I told the bus driver I had a Metro Card, and it should take me to the border.  At first he thought it would take me all the way to York.  Then he came back and said he would do me a ticket from the border to York, it was still £8.

Why did I bother?