Thursday 30 April 2015

Corporatey Welcome

I got a big bag of goodies, a lot of company benefits, and corporate luncheons.  A corporatey welcome to a new era.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Heston Chocolate

I got a box of Heston chocolate, just to try.  I think it is quite overrated, but Sarah likes it.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Geriatric Computers

I decided to take an old computer home and fix it.  Most people asked why I didn't just get a new computer, but fixing old computer is half the fun.  I just want this computer to last for 2 years, and I have another old computer in the pipeline, I can't wait.

Monday 27 April 2015

Templed Out

I never knew there were so many temples in Hong Kong.  I also learn the extend how Taoism and Buddhism mingled in Chinese culture.  Some of the rites started to "make sense".

Sarah is templed out, and so am I.

Sunday 26 April 2015

Long Drive Out

We arrived into London and got a hired car.  It was getting dark and we did not have the opportunity to check out every knob.

It ended up taking 2 hours to drive back, and it was stressful getting out of London.

If I had found the cruise control knob, it would have made it easier...  Let the journey continues.

Saturday 25 April 2015

Cheung Chau

Cheung Chau was having a Marine Police open day exhibition, it was a good opportunity to go to Cheung Chau.

We took a slow boat into Cheung Chau, it was quite pleasant.  We had a walk around the Cheung Chau Peak, where there were loads of strayed dogs, and they were not friendly.  As the trail did not cover part of a beach, there was a make-shift assault course, which was quite fun.

I was surprised how reasonably priced things are in Cheung Chau.  Besides the sun and the sea, Cheung Chau is not a bad place to live.

We went down to the beach, but it has less sea life then I anticipated, and the beach (LCSD-managed) was cleaner than I anticipated.

After a long day, we took a fast boat back.  Fast boat is always bumpier than slow boat...

Friday 24 April 2015

Big Buddha

When the forecast turned bad, we cancelled the overnight plan to Mui Wo.  We changed the plan to see the zoological park again, but my mother offered to take us to the Buddha.

We took the gondola to the Buddha.  We hiked up and saw the relic.  We had some vegetarian good and went off to Tai O.  My friends were right, we could do all that in 1 day.

When we were in Tai O, there were fresh seafood, and the squid was even livelier than the one we had on Saturday.  Interesting trip, but it is once for 10 years trip.

Thursday 23 April 2015

Cracked Tooth

I went into my dental check up.  I was only in for the scaling, and the dentist was quite caring and asked if I had any dental complaint.  I said sometimes my left side sore, and he tapped my teeth.  Lo and behold, one of them sounded different, and it felt a little funny.

He suspected it was a cracked tooth, but he explained it is hard to diagnose and crack is mostly fine and invisible.  He explained crown would be the solution to this particular problem, but if it does not resolve the problem, it would just be a waste of money.

It was a good decision to go to a non-profit hospital-backed dentist, he did not appear to push for treatment or greedy.

Now that I know I have a cracked tooth, I will take extra care in chewing on the left side.

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Surprised Addition to Itinery - Repulse Bay

We had lunch with an auntie, and she took us to Repulse Bay and Chung Hom Kok.

I have not been to Repulse Bay since I was small.  And even when I had Endee, I went to D'Aguilar's Cape and Shek O.  The temple at Repulse is much more established then I remembered.

The Southern District can be quite nice.

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Bill Fighting

As we grow older, the bill fighting grows more fierce!  The two biggest culprits were Queenie and Hedy.

On Saturday we snacked with Queenie and I had the bill in my hand, only to be literally ripped out of my hand at the cashier.

Then Hedy had been paying our meals, and I let her for a couple times.  Then in light of Queenie's incident, Sarah and I had to join force to get the bill off Hedy and shooed her away from the cashier.

Why does everything has to be so dramatic!

Monday 20 April 2015

Sporty Day

Haylie and I played some badminton in the morning.  I was clearly out of shape, and towards the end after we have warmed up, I played slightly better.

After the badminton, I opted to walk home and counted that as my cooling down.

Then in the afternoon, I played some ping pong with my mother.  She could still slaughter me, but she refrained.  She had no patience for Sarah, so Sarah resigned to be a ball girl.

I still don't know where my badminton rackets went!!

Sunday 19 April 2015

Avenue of Star - Mak Dau

I saw Mak Dau and I took a picture with him.

Most tourists just thought it was a golden pig for good fortune, but Mak Dau is a friend.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Critical Thinking: Inhumane

When we watched the Ocean Theatre show, we know what comments we may get on Facebook.  Then I had a thought, what is the difference between training dolphins and training dogs?  Extension to that thought, what is the difference between keeping dolphins and keeping any mammalian pets?

If the level of domestication is the only difference, then what is the difference between keeping big cats or primates and keeping dolphins?  Having said that, sea mammals have been 'domesticated' for over 100 years?  There are some cultures collaborated with dolphins for hundreds more years.

If the availability of their natural habitat is the difference, then what is the difference between keeping wild boars and keeping dolphins?  Wild boars and other mammals are kept for food, or they are on a relatively early stage of domestication.

If the difference in size of their natural habitat, then it is similar as above.  Primates and wild boars both roam in large areas.

There are a little difference between sea mammals, is it big enough to tell them apart, rendering keeping one inhumane and others listed above not inhumane.

Friday 17 April 2015

Allergic to Sun

I have insisted that I am allergic to the Sun.  I had a mild sun stroke today and I finally got some photographic evidence.

This is my inner arm.  I cannot find an explanation why I am getting rashes.  They are only in the inner arms, where is rarely exposed to UV.

It could not be food allergy, as I had not contained any protein other than gluten all day, and when my allergic reaction to lamb is rashes everywhere.  It would not be sun screen, as other sun screen areas did not have rashes.  It would not be allergens in the house, again, it is localised.  My mother speculated it could be the water in the thrill rides, but rashes areas did not include legs, as it would have been in contact with the splashes longest.

I resort to have a shower middle of the night to relieve my itches.  So I do have problem with the Sun!  (I am also glad to confirm other people could have the same problem.)

Thursday 16 April 2015

Hong Kong Reminders

Perhaps everytime I come back it to refresh my memories that I am better elsewhere.

I have only been here three days, all the reminders had kicked in.  Weather, insects, family, poor quality of sleep.

Even Sarah worked out why I always frown in my old pictures.

Wednesday 15 April 2015

Hong Kong Stock Markets

Hot money came into Hong Kong and everything went mad.  I was told to short sell, but I am too lazy.  So I just sell off some unwanted stocks.  Most thought the hot money will still come for the next few days, but I just sold them as I just wanted to get rid of them.  I was glad I sold them quick, the market came down today.  Greed is why we are stuck with unwanted crap.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Modern Propaganda - Cold War

One of the movie I watched was Cold War.  The story line is great, the acting is good, the action is well choreographed.  But the more into the movie, the more I think it is a propaganda.

The modern and expensive way to bring out a public announcement, but it was a nicely done one.

Monday 13 April 2015


A haircut was in the itinerary.  As soon as I finished lunch, I went to the barber.  The barber did not recognised at first, then as soon as she started cutting, and I kept her to continue to cut, she recognised me.  Carol loved my new haircut, aka old haircut.  Now I am summer ready!

Sunday 12 April 2015

Very Long Day

In order to combat jet lag, we power through Sunday.  It was a very very long day.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Cathay Pacific Disappointment

When Sarah booked Cathay Pacific, I was quite excited.  It was proven to be a disappointment.

The blanket was substandard, the ice-cream was not Haagen Dazs, the cup noodle was not good, and to top it off, one of the flight attendant was a bitch.

Friday 10 April 2015

Square and Circle

Sarah was describing Corn Exchange as 'like a circle'.

It is clearly oval.  It is like describing something square when it clearly doesn't have 4 equal sizes.  It is like describing a pentagon as rectangle.

There are words with very specific meaning, and there are other simple words that can better describe the shape.  It is always better to use better suited descriptive words.

Maybe I should build up Sarah's mathematical vocabulary. 

Thursday 9 April 2015

Cheap Puff

I got some cheap puff pastry from a discount shop, it worked very well!  I shall not need to pay beyond the odds!

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Nursery Sunflower

I sowed all the sunflower seeds, and most of them are coming up nicely.  I gave a few of them away, including one to Matt.

Matt's Sam brought a sunflower home as well, but it was not sprouting as well as the ones I have.  Sam asked Matt if his will grow as big as mine, and it was good that I did not give Matt the proper big sprouts.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Dust and Hair

Over the long weekend, I had the chance to look closely bits in my house.  Dusts and hairs everywhere, and they show up more on the hard floor, I really need to hoover more often.

Monday 6 April 2015

Cheap Retractable Reel

I finally took down the retractable washing line that previous owner incorrectly installed.  It was all jammed up.  I harvested the washing line and disposed the plastic shell.

I replaced it with an equally cheap retractable washing line.  The spring loaded hub is shit.  This is a lesson to no to buy cheap mechanism.

Sunday 5 April 2015

Leeds Water Taxi

We finally got a chance to ride the free Leeds Water Taxi.  It was fun.  I highly recommend it.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Taste the Difference Cow

As a celebratory meal, I defrosted my steak, and had a steak dinner with Sarah.  Cow is great, I really love steaks.  Burger is great when you cannot afford steaks, but if anyone tells you burger is just as good, it's because they hadn't had steaks for a while!

Friday 3 April 2015

Damien Trench Moment

After a busy week, I came home, and found the bathroom switch is broken.  That was a Damien Trench moment.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Graduation Goggle

People often have graduation goggle, and treasuring or clinging onto the last moments.  I have an acute senioritis..

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Strange News from Boston Spa

As the Boston Spa robbery unfold, more and more strange information come out.  Maybe we should look at Boston Spa differently.