Saturday 18 April 2015

Critical Thinking: Inhumane

When we watched the Ocean Theatre show, we know what comments we may get on Facebook.  Then I had a thought, what is the difference between training dolphins and training dogs?  Extension to that thought, what is the difference between keeping dolphins and keeping any mammalian pets?

If the level of domestication is the only difference, then what is the difference between keeping big cats or primates and keeping dolphins?  Having said that, sea mammals have been 'domesticated' for over 100 years?  There are some cultures collaborated with dolphins for hundreds more years.

If the availability of their natural habitat is the difference, then what is the difference between keeping wild boars and keeping dolphins?  Wild boars and other mammals are kept for food, or they are on a relatively early stage of domestication.

If the difference in size of their natural habitat, then it is similar as above.  Primates and wild boars both roam in large areas.

There are a little difference between sea mammals, is it big enough to tell them apart, rendering keeping one inhumane and others listed above not inhumane.

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