Monday 31 August 2015

Pied Out

Most of the biker weekend, I am well fed.  This weekend, I was properly pied out.

I was tempted to a chicken and ham pie in a Welsh biker cafe.  It was quite creamy, but a little blend.  By the time I ordered, it was too late to realise I was booked in for more pies the evenings.

I had a Ludlow venison pie at the Queens.  The pie was massive, very flavoursome, very rich, too rich for summer!  I was stuffed.  My stomach did not complain about the deer this time.

The day after, I had fish pie.  The fish pie was quite standard, I quite liked the browned mash on top.  I didn't know normal fish pie is packed out with hard boiled eggs.  It came with some lemon and parsley sauce, which I passed.

Lastly, I had a bite at Sarah's Shropshire beef pie.  I asked the cook, "what made it 'Shropshire'."  She said it was the beer they put in.  Normally, beef pie had ale, stout or red wine, but this one had a hoppy beer.  It was horrible.  I am glad I did not order it.  If it was mine, I would have given up eating it even if I were starving.  It was that bad.  I must remember never to go near beef pie with beer!

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