Saturday 26 December 2015

Christmas Service

We were thinking about going to midnight mass, then we ended up going to the Christmas Evening sung service.  As I put it, the most painless.  We went to York Minster.  I was skeptical about the parking situation, although I was assured, "Surely, they will not ticket you on Christmas." 

I was sure York would be completely dead, but there were a few shops, mostly souvenirs shops and pubs open for the tourists, Chinese tourists.

We arrived at the minster just in time for the start of the service.  And there were tons of people arrived late, which was quite impolite.  I wanted to see the restored East Window, but it still wasn't done.  When they passed the basket, I did put some money in.

When we got back to the car, we did pay, but it didn't ask for my paid ticket.  Maybe next time I will try before I pay.

Sarah has an idea that we have to go to different church to have services each Christmas, we shall see about that.

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