Monday 4 January 2016

Emergency Boiler Programming III

I tried again to check if the receiver is working correctly.  The boiler power reset only works with the main switch, which also powers the signal receiver.  So I have concluded it is the receiver that was not taking in signals correctly, rather than the signal latching in the boiler.  I have read up on the controller.  I have considered the reprogramme the RF channel.  Then I reset the controller, and it worked.

Then I started to think about what would have affected the boiler signals.  Was it the clutter surrounded the thermostat affected it?  Was it the new wifi router?  It shouldn't have been the wifi, as the thermostat and the wifi work on very different frequency.  I have de-cluttered the area and nominated a designated channel with the wifi.

When I tried again it failed again, I changed the channel, turned of wifi, still not turning off.  I can hear the relay clicking in, but not clicking out.  I have concluded it is the receiver relay sticking, and I cannot get to the relay.  It is meant to be 0V contact, but I could find no other explanation.  The it works again.  Intermittent fault is the worst!

I am now shopping for replacement.  I have considered upgrading the control system, but I really don't think it justify that kind of money.  Lets hope I get this ironed out soon.

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