Tuesday 18 October 2016

Expensive Mistake: Misfueling

With a lapse of concentration, I put petrol into Kendrew.  I only topped it up because I was near a cheap fuel station.

Everything was running fine until 30 miles later, Kendrew stalled and refused to restart.  I called AA, then remember I probably misfueled.  I put my hazard lights on and put out the hazard triangle, the first time out of its packet.

The AA responder turned up relatively quickly and he managed to restarted Kendrew, and we move onto somewhere away from busy traffic.  I told him about the misfueling, but at first he was not convinced, he sniffed and looked.  He contacted the misfueling team and I was told it will cost upwards of £200.

The recover truck pick us and Kendrew up, dropped us off at a service station and took Kendrew to the garage for the process.  I have signed so many disclaimers!  We spent 2 hours in the service station, had a Little Chef dinner and read all the tourist pamphlets. 

Finally Kendrew was brought back to us.  It was a long day.  I am going to stick some reminders on the car.

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