Sunday 9 October 2016

Light Night 2016

I missed the bus into town, so I drove.  The town was already busy and I cannot believe I had to park at Level 8 at the Trinity!

I met up with Barry at the train station and head into Light Night.  I first saw the projector hut near the City Square and joked it was a traffic hut.  We walked to Civil Hall and found the big show was not on till 7:30pm, so we wandered into Town Hall, saw a few other installation and performance before going back for the show at Civil Hall.  When we were circling the Town Hall and the Civil Hall, I realised the Light Night is totally a plot to mobilise the citizen to hit the 10000 step goal!

Even the Leeds Cathedral opened their doors with loads of candles.  I suppose 'the light' is on brand with Christianity.

The show at the Civil Hall drew a big crowd, and it was a bit exhausting getting out!  We chopped out the 'Arena Area'.  We saw another installation at the City Museum before having a break at The Arch Cafe.  The Arch Cafe opened late for this event.  We sat down and I read the programme to learn the sad news that Lantern Parade was on Thursday only!

Sarah caught up with us at the Arch Cafe, then we proceeded to see the installation in and around St John The Evangelist.

We walked down Briggate to see the Arts and Crafts Market and the ice sculpture installation before going into Kirkgate Market for Leeds College of Music's gig.

I was not keen to see the installation at the Leeds Docks, but it was on of the bigger installation, we went.

We stopped at the Tetley as the final stop of our tour.  We sat down to watch a video about a flaming Rube Goldberg machine, and other exhibition before heading towards town.  I suggested to walk back to City Square and watch the projection show at the Queen's but it was vetoed.  We walked back to Trinity and pick up the car.

Supposedly, we only walked 3 miles overground.  But with the detour, the circling around the areas, up and down the town hall and museums and trip to and from the car park, I think we did close to 5 miles!  I must remember to wear better walking shoes next year!

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