Tuesday 30 May 2017

Great British Food Festival Opel vs Meat

I have not participated in any food challenges before, as most of them neither achievable nor paying price money, ie economical outcome.

While I was at the Great British Food Festival, the food challenge was sausage and cider for £5.  I was looking for lunch, and thought, for £5, I could be filled up with food, especially when all the other food in the festival were expensive.  The sausages were Simon's 18" British Farmhouse sausages, and the cider was cheap Blackthorn, I thought I could tolerate the cider.  So I signed up.

I was the only woman on the line up, all the men were much bigger and taller, I was sizing them up.

Great British Food Festival 2017
As soon as we started, I knew I was using a wrong method by biting the sausage.  I quickly changed my method to follow the leaders, I broke them into bite sizes and applied to face.

Great British Food Festival 2017
I made the second round.  The two losers were not trying very hard, perhaps they only aimed to get a £5 lunch with a drink.

Great British Food Festival 2017
I was clearly not making the final, so it was my final few bites. At the end of my challenge, I took 4 minutes to finish about 28 inches worth of sausages (about 6 normal sausages), and brought the remaining 10 inches back to the seat for Sarah and me to finish off.   I think I lost because of the size of my jaw and my esophagus, I must learn to chew faster!

I think I could do it again in the future, but similar to today, I would only do it when it is food that I like!

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