Friday 30 June 2017

Radiator Fan

I changed the sender switch on Little Rome, but the radiator fan still did not seem to work.  Gary seems to have also given up on it, he said the sender switch was working but the brain was not closing the relay.  So it was to my surprise that it worked for the first time in the last 3 years!

Thursday 29 June 2017

McEnroe Ulterior Motives

McEnroe makes bad remarks.  But some of his bad remarks have a stench of ulterior motives.  Is McEnroe getting a kick back from the bookmaker for his effort to setup another show match?  Is that because he won so little money when he was playing professional that he still won't retire?  Is being controversial the only means he retains his publicity?

Wednesday 28 June 2017

Gay Games Hong Kong

Hong Kong is bidding to host Gay Games!  If we get it, I will definitely plan to visit and watch!

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Holiday Mood

I need a rest!  I have a lot of things lined up this summer, and I can't wait!

Monday 26 June 2017

Natural Disasters

When human conquers nature, natural disasters suddenly become man-made disasters.  Ultimately all disasters (except genocide) are force of nature, law of physics, don't be too harsh on human failure to conquer all force of nature.

Sunday 25 June 2017

Sports Volunteering

Carol has been volunteering in sports events.  I always volunteer with LGBT organisations.  When I was at Great British Tennis Weekend, I spoke to some volunteers.  Maybe I should expand my scope a little bit.

Saturday 24 June 2017

Manual Handling Tools

Males often refuse manual handling equipment just to show their physical fitness, ultimate risking injury.

Friday 23 June 2017

Dead Mint

Sarah said mint is indestructible.  So after 2 years of abuse, the hot weather has finally killed it.  I got it for Sarah's mint tea, so since it has not been yielding, I am not going to miss it!

Thursday 22 June 2017

"Free" Bacon Sarnie

In the seminar this morning, we had bacon sarnie, someone described them as "free".  Everyone there are managers with business acumen, so they know better it was not free, it was included, and we slightly paid for them from our bonuses!!  Of course, unless the course results in increase productivity and we get extra bonuses and those free bacon sarnies!

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Computer Stress Test

I turned on the old desktop to carry out some updates.  I gave it a proper stress test.  I also think the hard drive is not performing... I do like to have a desktop, so let's hope I am not killing it.

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Toshiba 6-month Appraisal

This Toshiba can do just about everything I need it to do.  The only slight problem I have with the the "combined jack" which does not really work.

The I am really glad I returned the dodgy HP and bought this Toshiba.  I have always loved Toshiba.  I do have to prepare myself this maybe my last Toshiba ever.

Monday 19 June 2017

Beautiful Roses

So this year I pruned my rose in the early Spring as advised and I see the results! Tons of buds and beautiful roses.


Sunday 18 June 2017

Overheating England

"Heatwave" in England is keeping me indoor.  I fashioned an old extract fan into an AHU, and used a koolpak as a chiller battery.  I wish there is an easy way to keep cool! 

Saturday 17 June 2017

Bullet Proof Insurance

There is no such thing as bullet proof insurance, the best insurance could only offset the risk to an acceptable/affordable expense in case of any mishaps.

Friday 16 June 2017


I have travelled to Europe in the last few years but I was never bothered to get an EHIC card.  After I started listening to Martin Lewis and we have an European trip in the horizon, I am finally applying for an EHIC card.  Let's hope it will be ready before then.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Medical Care Shopping

Medical care shopping is not the best kind of shopping, but like everything else, shopping is a necessary evil to understand the product better and get the best option at the right price.

Wednesday 14 June 2017



adjective pe·dun·cu·lat·ed \pi-ˈdəŋ-kyə-ˌlā-təd\
variants: or less commonly


play \pi-ˈdəŋ-kyə-lət\
Definition of pedunculated            
  1. :  having, growing on, or being attached by a peduncle a pedunculated tumor

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Premium Bonds

Martin Lewis is often talking about how below average Premium Bonds interest is compare to other saving accounts.  When Steve said he treats it as a stock, whereby the price will not go up or down, and the 'dividend' changes over the years.  And on the good year, the pay out could enable a lot of loan repayment or investment, and the worse it could be a very poor performing stock with no gain over years and poor dividends over years.  Using this prospective, it is not a bad thing to add onto the portfolio!  I shall think about it when I have spare money.

Monday 12 June 2017

Open Farm Sunday

Sarah and I went to two farms on Open Farm Sunday.  One of them was a research type facilities, the other is just a normal farm with a farm shop.  We learnt and saw a few things new, sheep shearing, LED green house, plant feeds, etc.  I even brought home a free sunflower.  Quite fun.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Aldi Sausages

I got some sausages from Aldi for the BBQ.  I got two types, Cumberland and British Pork.  The British Pork is said to be 97% pork.  They both looked nice.

Then I started grilling them.  The British pork sausages started squirting fat into the flame, and I was literally getting a grease fire!  The Cumberland held up okay, but the British Pork was literally shrinking as they expelled their content.  It said 97% pork, it was more like 50% lard!

They tasted quite good, but I probably not going to buy the Aldi British pork sausages again!

Saturday 10 June 2017

More Than One Way to Count

Something as simple as counting is not as simple as it seems.  As I can observe, many people only learn the standard counting, 1, 2, 3, 4...

I am not sure if it has to do with the Hong Kong numeric education, as it appears I also do 2, 4, 6, 8... and 5, 10, 15, 20...  As it turns out, using the same method to count get tiring very easily!  I am glad I have the skill to change method to keep it fresh.

Friday 9 June 2017

Killa Coffee

I got some Killa Coffee on marked down, I finally had the opportunity to try it.

Despite the menacing name, the caffeine hit was not particularly strong. I am quite glad it tasted reasonable, as I still have two to go!

Thursday 8 June 2017

Cream on Top

Some people are obsess about the cream on top, and keep forgetting the cake is the star of the show, and they should be grateful.

Wednesday 7 June 2017


Sarah took her visit to the Riverside Festival.  He kept asking what was the history of the festival, eg. what is the celebration or remembrance.  I had to explain to him it is not really a "festival", it is just an event.  This is just another classic case of lost in translation.

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Echo Chamber Generation

I will read most printed materials put in front of me.  It is always good to see what is the words on the street, the different views, different angles.  I am surprise when someone turn down a newspaper because it was "too right wing".  It is not only the social media facilitating the echo chamber effect, it maybe a generational mentality, the inability to deal with disagreeing views or having a civilised discussion. 

Monday 5 June 2017


There isn't such thing as "good deal" without someone being exploited.  In order to get a "good deal", one needs to bee without consciences. 

Sunday 4 June 2017

Spirulina Cookies

At the Sheffield Science Week, we had some spirulina cookies.  Ever since then, Sarah has been saying we should make some at home. 

We for some spirulina and finally we made some cookies.  And for dramatic effect, we made it in black and white!  They tastes okay.  It is only another 10 batches of these cookies before we finish off the bag!

Saturday 3 June 2017

Motorcycle Muscles Strengthening

I need to do a few more long rides to prepare myself for the upcoming Scotland trip.  I hope I will have enough stamina!

Friday 2 June 2017

German Trip Planning

Last time I was in Dusseldorf, I "went for" the Christmas Market, and didn't do a lot or exploring.  This time I am planning a city break properly with museums and shopping.  I could not quite find evidence of German vegetable to convince Sarah that German diet is survivable.  This time, I may even have some Japanese food in Dusseldorf.

Thursday 1 June 2017

Horrible Matzo

I got some Matzo to have a try.  Horrible!  Definitely a punishment from god.