Wednesday 20 December 2017

Staycation Cambridge - Day 3

We had a large breakfast again by the windows, there were no rabbits out today.  We were planning for a long day as there were a few museums were closed on Monday, we had to catch up. 

We went straight to The Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, their collection was surprisingly small.  Then we went to Fitzwilliam Museum, which was a mini British Museum.  Their label often where they acquired the artefact, but it really is res ipsa loquitur.  In additional to their standard exhibits, they had three special exhibitions, they were all quite well organised. 

We went back to Michaelhouse for lunch.  I thought about having some Brazilian street food or Northern dumplings for lunch, but I decided to have some mushroom bisque in Michaelhouse instead.  When they call a soup a bisque, you know you are in Cambridge.

We went back to Whipple, and the exhibition was good.  There were some working clockworks making a lot of noises.  The collection of old calculators does trigger some nostalgia.

Sarah wanted to see the hominids, so we popped to see University Museum of Zoology, much to Sarah's disappointment, it was closed for refurbishment.  We thought The Polar Museum was going to open till 5pm, so we tried to squeeze in the Museum of Cambridge.  We walked up the colleges, crossed the river to get to the museum, only to find it closed for unforeseen circumstances!

We stopped for a drink at a Hong Kong style café before we headed to the Polar Museum.  When we got to the Polar Museum, we found it was close at 4pm!  I was misled by the information on Google!  We looked at the photo exhibition at the foyer area and look at their exhibits thorough the glass, and called it quit.

We walked back into town to do some shopping, then went for dinner, another pre-booked dinner.  I had chrysanthemum tea again for medicinal purposes.  The dinner this time was quite sub-standard.

We clocked 26k steps again!  We have done Cambridge quite comprehensively, we don't really need to re-visit anytime soon, except I am taking my sister there, so I have to devise a condensed plan for their short visit!

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