Thursday 31 May 2018

Go Ape Temple Newsam

The much rumoured Go Ape finally opened in Leeds.  It is not in Roundhay as rumoured, it is in Temple Newsam!  It looks sufficiently easy, it would be a fun thing to do!

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Service Industry Name Tags

So one of the waitress was called April, or was she?  She has a fully last name, maybe it is Welsh, it was Catering.  Now, surely her last name was not Catering.  In hindsight, was she really April?  Why did they bother with the name tags?

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Gregynog Hall

As an added bonus, we stayed at a Historic Housing Association house, Gregynog Hall.  I took the opportunity to read up their pamphlet and walked around the ground.

Monday 28 May 2018

Welsh Tarmac

The weather was not getting any better, but lucky for us, we rode below the rain band nearly the whole time and we crossed the rain band once.  The route was mostly tarmac and that was nice.  We missed out on visiting the Harlech Castle, so we viewed it "English Heritage style".  The last road was a minor road with washed off grits on the road, it was horrible, but we all made it home safely.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Shropshire Hills

Much to most people's disappointment, the weather was not good for this weekend.  The weather was not good, visibility was very low on the hills, but at least my ride was mostly dry.  The farm tracks were horrible, I skidded a little. We actually went back into England on the Shropshire hills.  We when to Stokesay Castle, everyone was moaning that it was expensive, and lucky for me, I got my English Heritage card.  Nice little castle, nice little trip.

Saturday 26 May 2018

Friday M62

I believed Google and went on M62 instead of A616.  It was horrible!  It took over 1.5 hours to cross the pennine.  The fog over the top was also horrible!  I must remember to avoid M62 on Fridays!

Friday 25 May 2018

Magic of New Battery

I got a new battery for the old S4 so it would be less temperamental.  Not only the screen is playing up less, the wifi also seems to work now!

Thursday 24 May 2018

Nitro Cheap Gear

I had a Nitro jacket, it weighs a ton, a few bit of poor sewing, otherwise suitable for purpose.  Then I recently got a pair of Nitro gloves, it was a lot bigger than a small, more like a large!  Now I am stuck with them.  I need to invest on better gear, especially when I am buy new!

Wednesday 23 May 2018


adjective sub·cu·ta·ne·ous \ ˌsəb-kyu̇-ˈtā-nē-əs \

subcutaneous : being, living, occurring, or administered under the skin subcutaneous parasites subcutaneous tissues — subcutaneously adverb

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Cumberland Shroomdogs

I got these on marked down.  Horrible, I am never eating them again.  How did they turn mushrooms into something that horrible!

Sunday 20 May 2018

Godiva 72% Cocoa

These Godiva has been in my stash for a long time.  I finally get around eating them.  They are nice and smooth, but nothing particularly exciting.  Reliable.

Home Grown Lettuce

I also broken into the lettuce seeds.  They sprouted just after one week, if they grow slowly, I may have them ready for the BBQ!  Let's see how they get on this week!

Saturday 19 May 2018

Amedei Toscano Nut Brown Chocolate

I took the opportunity to get an Amedei chocolate for Sarah's birthday.  Little does Sarah knows, Amedei is a very expensive brand.  Only when we read the ingredient, we realised it has more nut than there is chocolate, and Sarah reckons it tastes just like Nutella.  I do quite like the praline. 

Friday 18 May 2018

Baby Chilli

When all my seedlings died on the very hot day, I was quite sad!  Undeterred, I started growing the chilli.  I took my mom's advise to 'continually support' the seedling but adding compost as they grow upwards, they are now looking well.  Let's hope I see the fruit of them this year!

Thursday 17 May 2018

Baby Aloe Vera

Sarah's overgrown aloe vera has two babies, so we gave the mother aloe vera new compost and potted the two babies.  One baby aloe vera want to me and the prettier one went to Amy.  The Aloe survived a horrible car journey and my family's torture, a few leaves were irreversibly bruised.

I thought I would give it plenty of sun and plenty of water, but the baby was not visibly growing, it was visibly turning red!  After a while, I had to break the new to Sarah that the aloe vera was turning red, and after consulting the internet, it was due to the Sun!  Apparently it should not be under direct Sun?!  I took it away from direct Sun, it returned to normal green after a couple days, which is a relief.  How it is supposed to get food?  Let's hope it survives.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

York Bird of Prey Centre

We were in the area so we popped by the York Bird of Prey Centre, it definitely exceeds expectations!

York Bird of Prey
The layout is nice, the aviaries are nice, the birds are nice.  The shows were great, IF you love birds.  The shows were designed to bring the bird very close to the visitors.  Unlike a normal show, the birds are responding to multiple handlers with food.  They fly any birds that is carnivorous, such as Kookaburra!  Very interesting place!

York Bird of Prey

York Bird of Prey

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Cheap Router

Some Wifi in the house is playing up, the internet said if the router broadcast at 5GHz would be better.  Both of the 'Free' router I got from the Internet Service Provide are so low grade that it doesn't have a function to broadcast at 5GHz!  I will have to up up with this nonsense!

Monday 14 May 2018

Cheese Sir! Raclette

We were wandering in town and ended up in Belgrave Feast as part of Leeds Indie Food. I saw Raclette from Cheese Sir and I went for it. Lovely.  I even took some video on the bubbling cheese and video on the 'application'.

Sunday 13 May 2018

Polish Cheesecake

We are being adventurous about trying more Polish food.  This time we went for a cheese cake.  It is not very sweet, relatively blend.  I think I like the Italian stuff more.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Don't Skim on a Wipe

When setting up a new phone, it really needs a full reset.  Unlike a computer, computer has loads of spaces and any spare data that is not wiped doesn't affect the computer much, phone really needs all the spaces it get!  Don't skim, it will only come back with more work!

Friday 11 May 2018

Upgrading Mood

Once I did the upgraded the S4, I went to check what else I can upgrade.  The Xperia M and Xperia L1 have no more upgrade, but apparently there was an upgrade available for the Xperia Active, but I have missed the boat, by 4 years! 

Thursday 10 May 2018

Too Smokey

I quite like Karpaty, so I tried a few things from there.  I think I am growing out of Polish sausages.  Apart from the unknown nature of the meat, all of them seemed unnecessarily excessively smoke flavoured.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Snail Download

Now I got the S4 fixed, I am doing something with it.  I knew it can be upgraded to newer Android, so I looked it up and started downloading it.  They called it slow download, and slow is an understatement!  Did they deliberately putting the firmware on an old and slow server?  This is why people just pay the shop to do it!

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Hamster Relocation

Sarah's flat is getting hot for summer, so Gepetto is living with me until the Summer is over.  After some deliberation, we decided to keep him in the play box on the front seat.  After the long drive, Gepetto was curled up in the tube and asleep.  He must like being in the tube as he has less room to roll around.

Let's hope he settles in well.

Monday 7 May 2018

St George's Mushroom

When Sarah told me last week that there were some mushrooms in a ring form in the garden, I immediately said they must be St George's, as they came out around St George's day!  I heard about them on the television programme and I was very excited.

Sarah was sceptical.  I found another two mushroom foraging programme on YouTube to confirm the description.  I thought I would leave them another week to let them grow a bit.

Then Sarah told me they mowed the whole thing down!  We went and inspected, there were hardly any signs on the mushrooms!  I checked on a partial mushroom, and it matches with all the description.  Damn it, I should have had them last week!  I must keep my eye peels next year!

Sunday 6 May 2018

Coot Chicks

Near Rachel's house, there are some disused canals and  there were some coot chicks in the nests.  So cute!

Saturday 5 May 2018

Cheese and Bacon

The more I try putting cheese and bacon together, the more I think they don't match.  I was making some pasta and that was definitely too salty.  I need to remember bacon is meant for seasoning not being ingredient...

Friday 4 May 2018

REAL Shitty Hand Cooked Crisps

I got a couple bags of REAL crisps to try.  I cannot taste any potatoes in either bag, absolutely horrible, I felt like I was eating pure flavouring!  Remind me never to guy them again.

Thursday 3 May 2018

Money in the Grass

I have ordered more lawn sand and hope to sort out the moss, again.  I am throwing money in the lawn, again!  Looking after something living is going to cost!  Maybe I should start talking to the lawn...

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Resetting the House

I finally got back and slowing returning things to normal.  I did 4 loads of laundry, hoovered the floors, moved around some furnitures.  There are so much more to do!

Tuesday 1 May 2018

King Richard III Visitor Centre

Continue our tourist trail, we went to King Richard III Visitor Centre.  We were sceptical on how small it must be and how it wouldn't worth its entry.  We bite the bullet and went.  The layout was good, the content was good and engaging, the story was good.  It did take us 2 hours when we finished with most of its content!  I would recommend people anyone interested in the war of roses and English history to go!