Thursday 17 May 2018

Baby Aloe Vera

Sarah's overgrown aloe vera has two babies, so we gave the mother aloe vera new compost and potted the two babies.  One baby aloe vera want to me and the prettier one went to Amy.  The Aloe survived a horrible car journey and my family's torture, a few leaves were irreversibly bruised.

I thought I would give it plenty of sun and plenty of water, but the baby was not visibly growing, it was visibly turning red!  After a while, I had to break the new to Sarah that the aloe vera was turning red, and after consulting the internet, it was due to the Sun!  Apparently it should not be under direct Sun?!  I took it away from direct Sun, it returned to normal green after a couple days, which is a relief.  How it is supposed to get food?  Let's hope it survives.

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