Saturday 30 June 2018

Fried Plant

My plants are not doing will in the strong Sun.  I think plants actually don't like the Sun, not only the Sun killed the seedlings, and now it is frying the plants.  Let's hope it survive in the shade over the weekend.

Friday 29 June 2018

Jugular Bulb disorders and Tinnitus/Meniere's disease

I am searching more on the tinnitus, and I came across this. Jugular bulb disorder, I am so not looking forward to growing old with this!

Thursday 28 June 2018

Big Bowl

Peter Jones is closing down in Wetherby. I didn't find many interests me. I needed a can opener, and nothing else. Then I was tempted by this large bowl. Obviously the bowl is marketed as salad bowl, but I am looking forward to large bowl of soup and noodles!

Wednesday 27 June 2018

De Villiers Skinny Cappuccino 52%

I got this from the M&S clearance sale. The chocolate tastes okay, not particularly strong in coffee flavour.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Chinese Plagiarism from Kama Sutra

In our time was talking about Kama Sutra, then one of the speaker mentioned about milk and water embrace, I instantly associate a phrase in Chinese.  Chinese plagiarised a lot of Sanskrit literature...

Monday 25 June 2018

Temple Newsam Go Ape!

We finally got a chance to go to the brand new Go Ape! Temple Newsam.  Originally there were 4 of us, when one dropped out, it worked out well as there is only 3 spaces per landing.  There was a big group of men, I told my friends that we much go in front of them, as they would be holding up the progress!

We were first sent up a trail with 4 zip lines, when we complete this first trail, we were sent to the back on this group, and as expected, we were held up.  We had so much time standing around to take so much selfies.

I had high expectation and it did not disappoint. I am looking forward to the next one!

Sunday 24 June 2018

Temple Newsam Room for Improvement

I got a coffee before the start of Go Ape.  We went to the tea room and we got a coffee each.  It was horrible, it did not resemble coffee!  It was so horrible that I took it back.  When I said, "the coffee tasted horrible."  The server just said, "Yea."  I did not know what to make of it, I asked, "is this a common comment about the coffee?"  She just said she can make me another drink, and I was not about to have a coffee from the same machine, I settled for a filtered coffee.  When she handed the coffee over, she whispered, "I don't like them either."  The filtered coffee smelled like coffee but does not taste much of coffee, it was still better than the first coffee.  I must remember that for future reference.

Saturday 23 June 2018

Horrid Pax Inn

We went to Pax Inn for lunch.  We were informed they are under new management.  When we got the menu, we were shocked by the price, but we assumed the food would be nice as it is under new management, how wrong were we!

When the burger came out, it was in cheap supermarket bun that looked dry, the patties were unevenly cooked, and the chips were large and not crispy.  The best thing I could say about the beef pie is that it got beef.  There was only one vegetable, green been, came complete with stalks.  The gravy was a bit salty, but it is a common problem.  The mash and the beans were a bit dried from the hot lamps.

Let's avoid Pax Inn...

Friday 22 June 2018

Beta Tester

I sat in two 'training session' on some online database / software, but the whole time I was pointing out mistakes, discrepancies and functionality issues.

I thought the worse was over, I got a call in the afternoon for him to explain the functionality and the plan to improve.  Why I am always the helpful beta tester?

Thursday 21 June 2018

Venous Hum Tinnitus

I have been getting this tinnitus, and I knew it was pulsating.  Then I finally narrowed down to the jugular vein.  A quick search on the internet found out venous hum tinnitus is quite normal but practically incurable, how annoying.

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Crime Scene

I got home from Mesmac dinner, and the police blocked my street.  I parked and walked towards them only to be told 'don't walk onto the crime scene!'  I still haven't found out what happened!

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Cheap Sparkling Water

I thought I would try the smart price sparkling water.  It was very harsh and very gassy, I will just have to cough up for better stuff!

Monday 18 June 2018

Skeptical Stoic

I always I am just a stoic, but after I leamt more about the skeptics, maybe I am a skeptical stoic...

Sunday 17 June 2018

Power Pack Repair

I finally opened the power pack and tried to find out what was wrong.  I thought it was the battery, but it appears to be the shorted out motor.  It should be okay now.  While I was looking at it, it was a very simple compressor setup.

Then I took apart a second one, it is completely different fault.  This is what you get when you buy cheap product, every element is a weak link...

Saturday 16 June 2018

TLC Lawn

This year I am getting all the TLC, aka chemicals, and let see if I can revive this lawn.  I haven't sufficiently given up to use sod yet!

I manually moved 300kg of top soil and threw in two boxes of seeds.  So much hard work!

Just exactly how much contaminants have I introduced by means of bark...

Friday 15 June 2018


noun pur·ga·to·ry \ ˈpÉ™r-gÉ™-ËŒtȯr-Ä“ \
1 : an intermediate state after death for expiatory purification; specifically : a place or state of punishment wherein according to Roman Catholic doctrine the souls of those who die in God's grace may make satisfaction for past sins and so become fit for heaven
2 : a place or state of temporary suffering or misery

What a loads of bollocks...

Thursday 14 June 2018

Ultra Stamina

My phone was low on juice and prompted me to go on either Stamina or Ultra Stamina mode.  I opted for Ultra Stamina mode.  It worked well, and I think all phone should be Ultra Stamina during working hours without all the distraction anyway!

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Polish Cheesy Sausages

I tried a couple more Polish sausages.  These ones are less smokey.  The Polish cheese sausages were also not very smokey, but it is also rather blend.  I really need to give up trying Polish sausages!

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Homegrown Lettuce

The lettuce was growing very slow, and it is finally big enough to eat.  I clipped them and now there is nothing left.  It is really waste of time growing them at home...

Monday 11 June 2018

Coventry Transport Museum

I went to Coventry Transport Museum 11 yeas ago, I remember it being quite good, so I convinced Sarah to go.  The museum got some European money and jazzed it up, now it is really good.  I am surprised by their honesty about the low productivity, militant union, etc. Highly recommended!

Sunday 10 June 2018

Museum of the Jewellery Quarter - Smith and Pepper

Sarah wanted to see an old factory, so we went to the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter.  When everyone was listening into science and metallurgy, I was taking loads of pictures.

Who need a calculator when you have a trusted table?
Smith and Pepper Jewelery

So many dies!
Smith and Pepper Jewelery
Smith and Pepper Jewelery
Smith and Pepper Jewelery
How many type of crosses do you need?
Smith and Pepper Jewelery

The one and only first aid box when surrounded by fire and chemicals.
Smith and Pepper Jewelery

And I can't help but to give this picture a twist.
Smith and Pepper Jewelery

Saturday 9 June 2018

Auto Taping

Steve pointed out to me that the bottom cover was hanging down.  I tried by best to tape it together, I had to lay on the ground to get to it.  It maybe futile...

Friday 8 June 2018

Tasteless Gum B11B

I got these chewing gum from Tesco.  They were made by B11B, absolutely tasteless, I will get thorough them quick.

Thursday 7 June 2018

In Our Time

I started listening to In Our Time on Radio 4.  Why are we still struggling with ideas that our ancestors struggles with 3000 years ago?

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Backwards Northern Ireland

When Northern Ireland was only compared with their neighbour, it doesn't highlight how backwards they are regarding modern lives.  Now Ireland has shrugged off the imagine of old Catholic country and emerges as a modern European country, Northern Ireland is really the odd one out.  Let's see how this unfold.

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Abandoned Nest

Gepetto decided to take everything from the house on the top floor to the bottom floor to nest.  I am surprise how he took everything downstairs!  It is so much harder to watch him when he tucks in the corner. Lets hope when it gets colder, he will go back to the house on top floor.

Monday 4 June 2018

Catan Universe

Play Catan is finally closed, forever.  I am now stuck with Catan Universe which I am not yet a fan of.  Sad.

Sunday 3 June 2018

The Abyss @ Magna - Triple Whammy

I came across The Triple Whammy with the UK Bungee Club, I bought the experience.  We worried the longer we left it the fewer dates we could choose, so we booked and arranged for everything.

The zip wire isn't the longest zip wire, they said it is 250ft, the wire maybe 250ft, but I don't think we are zipping on it for that much.  It has a relative big height drop, hence the speed.  It was fun.  I do like my bike better!

We took the decision to abseil as slow as possible to explore the Magna, it was quite interesting to see the old steel works in those angles.

Lastly was the powerfan, I did not know what to expect, and the guide was right, by the time you think 'what have I done' you would have landed already.  I followed instruction to step into the abyss, and I free fall for a couple second then the power fan kicked in.  It was quite thrilling!

We went and everything went smoothly, we are both happy that having done it.  I highly recommend this, great fun.

Saturday 2 June 2018

Bee Orchid

The long anticipated bee orchid has come back. They are much tinier than I expected! My Sony is taking some pictures better than expected, maybe I could start to retire my cameras...

Friday 1 June 2018

Fake Meatballs

I got these Meat the Alternative Italian Beef Style Meatballs the other day.  The texture is exceedingly good for my taste, it is quite bouncy, maybe not suited for the English taste.  Then the taste is very non-descriptive, which could easily be inedible.  Overall, I would buy again at the right price!