Tuesday 21 August 2018

Shadwell Horticultural Society

I drove past a sign saying there is a Shadwell Show, so we went to see what is on.
We had a stroll from my house to Shadwell, along country lanes and past cows and black berries brambles.

When we got there, it was fully enclosed. When we got to the gate, there was signs saying "FREE ENTRY" so I walked straight past it. I did not register the line below "WHEN YOU JOIN THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY". As it turns out, it was £6!!! If they had put it on the signs, I would not have bothered. But since we already walked there, we paid up and had a look.


There are some pretty flowers and vegetables, but was it £6 worth?  It was in a really big tent, but was it?

Then there was a band, but was it?

There were archery, circuit ring, tea stand, but was it?

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