Sunday 31 March 2019


I tried to cook buckwheat the first time.  They are very earthy.  I think I cooked them okay, they can probably replace bulgar wheat, on the other hand, bulgar wheat is actually cheaper and less work.

Saturday 30 March 2019

Gear Swapping

While I am looking at new motorcycle gear, I am trying to get rid of my old gear.  I just threw them online.  This is the beginning of the motorcycle season, it is also the beginning of the motorcycle gear swapping season...

Friday 29 March 2019

Modern Slavery

The recent BBC drama has shown some gruesome reality of modern slavery.  Then our company has done an awareness about modern slavery.  Then I realised there are signs everywhere!  It could start something as simple as someone using threats to make you stay in certain employment!  Everyone should have modern slavery awareness training.

Thursday 28 March 2019

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Kraft is Cheddar

BBC's Inside the Factory was talking about processed cheese.  And they talked about Kraft, Kraft is cheddar.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

Track Rage

I have seen a lot of road rage, this is the first time I saw track rage!
Watch: Riders fight during motorbike race

Monday 25 March 2019

Starship Mileage

When I stopped by Gary to say hi,  he was describing little Rome as having 'starship mileage'.  I checked,  it didn't!  Little Rome had 83k miles,  I put on 68k of which.   It is only 1/3 way to the moon,  and not even 3 times around equator! 

Sunday 24 March 2019

Broken Harley

I stopped at Donnington Service for a ride out.  The gang left without me and some broken down Harley flagged me down to see if I can help.  He has some clutch problem, and he insisted on opening up the clutch to adjust.  I told them bikes have wet clutch, and we will get oil everywhere! Obviously we want to adjust the cable first.  Anywho, we played with the cable a little bit, and the clutch appears to be either all or nothing.  I think the friction plates are gone.  The allen keys in the Triumph kit is standard 4 and 5 mm, and the Harley are using imperial measurements!  There is not more I can try for them.  Their friend turned up with some allen keys, but I am not sure if they are old money.  Even if they can get the worn down clutch enough adjustment to limp home, they probably will damage the gasket and oil will be everywhere.  I just wished them luck and came home.  The friend with the Hornet concluded everything is wrong with an old Harley.  That is probably true, but when you see an old bike with a new clutch cable, you should always check if the clutch is already worn and the cable is just a cheap way to mask this expensive wear!

Saturday 23 March 2019

Expensive Hobby

After riding Flint a few times, I think I need some new gear!  So I got a new jacket, started bidding on gloves and boots, and I got a new helmet in the post!

Friday 22 March 2019

Home Baked Cheese

I got this cheese from M&S, and we got around trying it.  It was very salty!

Thursday 21 March 2019

Birthday Summary

I did do most of the things I set out to do, plus a few more.  The massage had to cancel my massage, leaving me with no plan in the afternoon.

I went to pick up the new airer.  I kept hearing the assistant saying "Error".

Then I dropped onto Waitrose for a free coffee and got a new chocolate bar to try.

I got the message from the driving simulator team, what a shame that they could not fit me in!

I went to the Abbey House Museum, and they nearly did not let me in (for free).  It was okay.

I was slightly ahead of schedule, so I had a MOD pizza earlier than planned.  It was okay.

I went bowling, and I was ashamed how low score I got!  Let's blame the balls.

That concluded the first half of the day.  I went home and polished off the beef noodles, and set off on Flint.

In the evening, I went to a local curry place, it was probably the most British curry I ever had...  Also I cannot believe they put lamb in the chicken curry, they made me a replacement.  The sundries were good portions.  I went home and immediately too an antihistamine!

It has been a nice day.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

Big Day Planned

I got a packed day planned for myself.  Let's hope I can cash out all the fun I planned!

Tuesday 19 March 2019

The Queen o' t' owd Thatch

We saw The Queen o' t' owd Thatch won best Sunday Lunch on the Observer, so we had been meaning to go.  Sarah recognised the owner.  Nice lunch.

Monday 18 March 2019

Early Season Riding

I am a all season rider, but I must remember most people are not.  I think the IAM guy wasn't very impressed having to take me out on a rider this early in the season.  Although it was relatively dry today, it was still cold, and Sarah the pillion took the blunt of it, poor thing!

Sunday 17 March 2019

Kirklees Light Railways

We have been meaning to see the Kirklees Light Railways.  We booked onto a package a long time ago, and we caught the back end of Storm Gareth!  It was so rainy and so windy, so we didn't have to fight with a lot of customers.  

The trains was so tiny!  I think I got a headache from all the coal fume...  Anyway, Sarah was happy, mission accomplished.

Saturday 16 March 2019

Naked Sausages

Sarah got some Naked Nitrite-free bacon, they were okay.  I got Sarah some Naked sausages, they were also okay, I hope Sarah can join me eating British food more often!

Friday 15 March 2019

Parliament in Spotlight

The Parliament is actually debating something that capture the public interest, and this whole Brexit makes them work 3 days in a row.  It almost justify their six-figures salary.

Thursday 14 March 2019

Backdraft Shutter

I noted my bathroom is extra cold on a windy day, so I got a backdraft shutter and installed it.  I keep trying to hear out for the shutter, but because it is in the loft, so I cannot quote hear it.  But with storm Gareth, I can definitely hear the shutter shutting and the room kept warm, good investment!

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Poor Housekeeping Pillows

I got some pillows from Sainsbury's, endorsed by Good Housekeeping.  Two months in, I am not impressed...

Tuesday 12 March 2019

What's the Point of Veal

I must have veal before, but I got a pack of marked down veal to remind myself.  It smells nice, but not the most flavoursome meat.  I don't see how it should cost more, especially veal is meant to be byproduct of the diary industry.

Monday 11 March 2019

Learning to Ride

Flint is a very different beast, I need to learn to work with her.  The good habit of covering the rear brake is turning out to be essential, I need to remind myself to keep this habit!

Sunday 10 March 2019

Flint is Home

I pick Flint up this morning.  Before the long ride, on a sunny day, I was all smiley.

It was very windy, and she is very heavy.  Those hard panniers are like 20kg each!  I was cold and shattered!  The heated grip did nothing!

I got her treated with ACF on my way home, and I finally parked her up! 

So far I spotted 2 design problems.  The dials are impossible to read when direct light is shone and the locks to the panniers are directly under the grab bars, making turning doing and undoing the panniers hard.

Now half of Flint (ie the boxes) is in my living room!  As an added bonus, the old cover fits!

Friday 8 March 2019

Baby Trees Seasons

Also because of the warm February, all the seeds are sprouting.  I am still tempted to grow a few samplings.  I must direct my effort to something more useful.

Thursday 7 March 2019

Traffic Jam Supplies

I saw in traffic for over 1 hour, and it was the longest I sat in a traffic jam in a car.  And since I decided to turn off the engine, I worry about draining the battery, I turned off the radio as well! I had nothing in the car, no food, no drinks, no gum.  I ran out of podcast!   I need to redress that...

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Buckwheat Stash

After we are some buckwheat at the Russian cafe, I have been meaning to get some.  Now that I got some, I need to work out how to cook them!

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Stunned Spring Onions

The way I keep spring onions is not yielding as much as I would like.  Maybe I should just grow them in soils when I get to the ends...

Monday 4 March 2019

Early Daffodil

This year February is record high, and the daffodil is already flowering!

Sunday 3 March 2019

Wheelchair Rugby Quad Nations

We went to see the the Wheelchair Rugby Quad Nations.  Interesting, a lot of rules resembles basketball rules.  I thought there would be more spectator, but it wasn't full even for the Team GB game...

Saturday 2 March 2019

Lunch Swim

I decided to clock in some swimming at lunch.  It is doable.  I shall look into the schedules.

Friday 1 March 2019

Insurance Dip

I am clicking around for new bike insurance, and I stumbled across a dip in insurance when I meet a certain mileage threshold, how strange!