Thursday 21 March 2019

Birthday Summary

I did do most of the things I set out to do, plus a few more.  The massage had to cancel my massage, leaving me with no plan in the afternoon.

I went to pick up the new airer.  I kept hearing the assistant saying "Error".

Then I dropped onto Waitrose for a free coffee and got a new chocolate bar to try.

I got the message from the driving simulator team, what a shame that they could not fit me in!

I went to the Abbey House Museum, and they nearly did not let me in (for free).  It was okay.

I was slightly ahead of schedule, so I had a MOD pizza earlier than planned.  It was okay.

I went bowling, and I was ashamed how low score I got!  Let's blame the balls.

That concluded the first half of the day.  I went home and polished off the beef noodles, and set off on Flint.

In the evening, I went to a local curry place, it was probably the most British curry I ever had...  Also I cannot believe they put lamb in the chicken curry, they made me a replacement.  The sundries were good portions.  I went home and immediately too an antihistamine!

It has been a nice day.

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