Sunday 23 June 2019

Shibden Pilgrimage

Shibden Hall

Anne Lister's diary has been published for many years, and in this decade, the mainstream writers picked up on the story line and started writing.

The last BBC mini series on Anne Lister was not on prime time.  The most recent BBC's Gentleman Jack is shown on prime time and attracted a lot of interest.  Every time I hear "Gentleman Jack", I imagine someone in Lynchburg Tennessee jumping up and down, how their "new" blend has the same name and felt tainted.

I have already been to Shibden Hall a few years ago, after the BBC mini series, and before the subsequent sagas.  Sarah recommended Shibden Hall to a couple friends, so we all went.  I was not particularly fuzzed about seeing it again, but I can see the many visitors the TV series has attracted.  I was sitting at the court yard a lot of the time, and I maybe the most photographed thing this weekend!

I actually got Anne Lister's diary out from the library.  It was really boring.  People need to remember it was a diary, not a novel.  Boring things happen in real live!

I am happy for Calderdale Council that they are getting this revenue to look after this old house properly.

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