Monday 1 July 2019

World of Kawasaki 2019

We were looking for something to do and we found World of Kawasaki at Donnington, so we planned our day around it.

We got there for 9am thinking we will be one of the first ones to arrive, there were already tons of bikes.  We went straight to the road demo counter to sign up.  By the time I got there, most of the H2 demo bikes slots were taken!  So I reluctantly signed up for the ZZR 1400 demo.  

Andy had the ZZR 1400, then Steve got one, then Stuart got one.  It was nice, rode like little Rome!  So the ZZR 1400 is the largest cc bike I have ridden.  Overall it is very good, apart from the non-existent rear brake and the curb weight.   I am still not sure this justify the cost.

I failed to convince Sarah to take on a free motorcycle lesson...  I really think riding a bike and riding a motorcycle is basic life skills that everyone should learn.

The most interesting demo is the little kids riding cross bikes, with the youngest being 5 years old!

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