Tuesday 27 August 2019

GLME Exeter 2019 - Day 4

I was on a tour to South Devon, it was all very nice and all very expensive.  I was confronted with hairpin bends that I was not expecting, so I messed up the first one.  It was not on the description!

We had afternoon tea on Dartmoor.  The cream tea was extortionate.  The Germans did not understand what was the fuzz.  I just hoovered the left over scones as not everyone ate both scones.

We were given the chance to break up, so I stopped at Two Posts Bridge to take some pictures and got some postcards.  I left the main road and went on a small road on Dartmoor, with extra sheep!

It was pirate night, so I wore the standard issued gear, and there were even more pirates than super heroes.  Where do they fit all the outfits?  I also wondered how would the landlocked Europeans know what are pirates.

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