Tuesday 31 December 2019

Grand Tour Venice - Day 3

Sarah convinced me to split the islands to two days, so we did.

We went to Mazzorbo, Burano, Torcello and Lido.

I was hoping to see the Suspended animals by Stefano Bombardieri, but exhibition ended in November, gutted.


Whilst at Burano - the fisherman island, I saw a fisherman handing over bags of mantis prawns to a guy. Then I remember seeing mantis prawn (alive) in the fish market, so I thought I would get some of them. We stopped for a coffee and some Essi. The lace museum was interesting.


We had a walk around in Torcello and had some lunch. They also do a Burano seafood risotto, so we shared one with another fritto misto. It had full of all sort of seafood.
1DSCF0255 Lido was quite boring, it is interesting, As it has cars and bicycles are allowed! We managed to catch a sunsets; Sun sets really quickly in Venice! Lido has a large Conrad City to entertain us. We got a big box of oyster mushrooms, and decided to make mushroom risotto. We ended up eating risotto twice a day.

Making the most out of the ferry tickets, I insisted on taking a night circular ferry line, and on the way back, we took in some night Venice night view. 1DSCF0257
Rialto Bridge
Bridge of Sighs.

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