Wednesday 1 January 2020

Grand Tour Venice - Day 4

On the second of the island hopping, we went to Murano - the glass island.  We walked around, didn't pick up anything except a shard of scrap glass.


On our way home for lunch, we walked past the fish market, and picked up 3 mantis prawns.  They looked very small, I chose the 3 largest ones.  And for lunch, we picked up a soup mix for Sarah and a cured meat platter for me, yummm.

I took an excursion to the Arsendale, they are quieter than the main tourist area. It is a bit like Lido.

We went to see the Basilica San Marco.


I didn't take any pictures inside, because I read the signs, but apparently everyone just ignored the signs anyway...

We popped to Giudecca, it was very residential and we went to an Italian discounter.

1s marco 3

The Mantis prawns were very disappointing, they had hardly any meat on them, and the biggest one already started going bad.  I later researched about it, the lagoon mantis prawn are normally much inferior aka smaller than the sea dwelling ones!

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