Tuesday 1 June 2021

Tomahawk Steak

I have heard about Tomahawk steak, but I never got a chance to try it, I hasn't even seen it in real life. It is just a fancy word for ribeye on bone. 

When we last went to Spuds and Berries, I saw one in real life, bit it was not quite the barbeque season.  Then we were near the area this weekend, and they still have one going.  They even drew a tomahawk steak on their specials board: Yorkshire age (possibly Yorkshire bred and rear). We should have asked for it's name! So we went for it.  This is only a 29oz (1024g)!

I read up on how to cook it on the bbq, ie on the cool side.

So after some 45 minutes on the flame, the beast was cook to medium well.

It is nice beef and all, The bone weighed out as 222g. I don't think I would bother again, just get a normal rib eye.

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