Thursday 15 September 2022

Isle of Man Tour Day 1

We took the ferry to the Isle of Man from Liverpool.  We met a lady on the ferry, also came from Leeds.  She told us loads about the Isle of Man.

We went to Peel as soon as we disembarked.  The castle was already shut.  Peel is a nice little town, the House of Manannan was interesting.  We also missed the ice-cream parlour!

We went for a warm seafood platter at a local pub.  It was a good portion!  Supposedly Manx queen scallops, Manx crab, and I am not sure about the shrimps and the bass.

We went to Glen Mooar waterfall nearby.  The road turned into a green lane, which we met a couple motorcycles near the waterfalls.  They went on an unrated wooden bridge rather than the ford.

When we checked into the cottage, we have been reminded the mountain road has no speed limit and there maybe motorcycle travelling very fast so beware.

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