Wednesday 11 September 2024

Surrey Day 2: Thorpe Park

I only realised we would be near Thorpe after I booked the accommodation.  Since then, we were preparing to go mentally.

We thought the park would open at 9am, only in the morning we checked and it was going to open at 10am, so we watched the boats on the Thames for an hour.

When we parked up, it was getting busy!  We actually got in the park before 10am.  Most of the rides were not open yet.  The first one open was Stealth, without thinking it through I went for it.  It was hair raising.

I will probably write up the rides separately, all in all, it was a good day!  I went on 18 different rides, I think we got out money's worth of thrills. We just have the nurse our mildly concussed brains the next few days.

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