Friday, 21 February 2025

Paris - Day Deux

The tiny cups are perfect for the coffee machine outside.  Their machines make drinks with UHT milk.  We had some coffee and some hot chocolate before headed to the posh bakery nearby.

We had a croissant and a pain au Chocolat.  They were nice.

Powered by pastry and hot chocolate, we walked up to Sacré-Cœur.  Had the first birdeyes' view of Paris. Also saw the first scammer.

We took the Metro to one of the Cluizel shop, stock up on my favourite chocolate.  Onto Lafayette for another Paris view.  On the way to a haberdashery, we were drawn into another chocolate shop, Puyodebat, picked up another bar of chocolate.

After much encouragement, Sarah finally asked the haberdashery shopkeepers on what she wanted.

We took another Metro journey to Marché Couvert des Enfants Rouges for lunch.  Sarah enjoyed her Lebanese food, I was not impressed with their pizza...

On our way to Pompidou Centre, we went into another chocolate shop Venchi, got another chocolate bar; and another haberdashery.

After walking around Pompidou we queue to go in, take in another Paris view.  We finally went home.  Not before we picked up a Too Good to Go, and we made hamburger, salmon, and Sarah got loads of yoghurt. There were so much food, we even gave the duck moose that we dare not to try and some yoghurt to the hotel staff.

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