Friday 7 February 2014

Everything is "Bad for You"

When people just started going on about, "xxx is bad for you", their ignorance winds me up.

Why do people only read the headline and never read the body of the text, or try to hear more sides of the stories.

These people tends to be those refuses to put salt, sugar, oil, whatever xxx above, however their diet will probably have higher than normal salt, sugar, oil, xxx intake, as they are ignorant in general regarding what they eat.

A:  "Sugar is worse for you than fat."
Actual fact: it is only worse because they are hidden in many food, esp those "fat-free" versions.

A:  "I don't put salt in any food."
Actual fact: A often eats sausage sandwich in morning with sauce, ham sandwich for lunch.

B:  "Sugar and salt are worst for you."
Actual fact: one will actually die if either of these are excluded in diet.

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