Tuesday 18 February 2014

First Ride of the Year

This is actually the 2nd ride of the year, but since the first ride had only one purpose in obtaining MOT, this ride was more purposeful.

After we discovered my flooded carb, all I had in mind is send little Rome for a carb strip clean.  This morning, it was not raining as forecast, so I hesitated on catching a bus and rode into work.  I went to my room and took the brand new helmet out of the box, and did not bother installing the pinlock visor.  Starting up little Rome with a full cylinder was difficult, but I have plenty of practice.  I rode into work in reasonable time and checked on her during lunch.  There was still a bit of leak.

I rang around to see who can take little Rome in this week for the strip clean.  Startright could not provide me with Suzuki parts and RaceHQ is on holiday, so I rang Genspeed.  Gary can squeeze me in this week, and I rode to York after work.

The ride was long and York ring road was horrible as always.  It was dark and rainy, Wetherby Road is unpleasantly windy as always.  The traffic was slow, and I tried hard to keep moving.  I don't want any fuel landing on a hot idle engine.  When I was filtering on York ring road, I heard this metal rattling noise, and I started to think, where was the noise coming from my bike, then I saw a scooter behind me, which explained the rattling noise!

I dropped off little Rome.  Gary said it is a common fault, and should be able to get her running on Saturday.

Genspeed is 2 miles from town, I missed a bus as I walked out of the trading estate.  I started walking into town and got the next bus, closer to town and probably cheaper.  Then I went to the train station, and my eyes popped out when the ticket to Starbeck was 8 quid!  Surely there is a cheaper way.

Next ride will be coming Saturday when I pick little Rome up and ride into Leeds.  Forecast is good.

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