Tuesday 30 September 2014

Corn Starts with an S

I got some corn and I was doing self-checkout.  I keyed in produce, C.  I could not find corn!

The assistant came along, exited C and entered S.  S for Sweetcorn.  Why...

Monday 29 September 2014

Noble Freegle

I always think Freegle is one of the best community bonding events, one of the most noble/communist causes.

I am sad to see people abusing Freegle, especially trying to con money out of the unsuspecting Freeglers.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Damaged Plastic Tank

Some thief has been operating in Sarah's car park.  Some horrible thief had drilled into a few cars in the carpark to steal petrol.  The victims all had plastic fuel tanks.  It was quite distressing.

Saturday 27 September 2014

Plastic Tank

I always think metal tank on a motorcycle is a nuisance.  I have known many tanks with holes as it corrodes away.

Then there is apparently a different problem with plastic tank, easily damaged.

Friday 26 September 2014

Compression Joints

These days a lot of plumbing are done in compression joints.  It actually takes a lot of compression to make it water tight.  Maybe I should learn bracing from Luke.

Thursday 25 September 2014


I have heard this word twice this week.  I find this word quite aggressive.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

News on Hong Kong

The recently news from Hong Kong is increasingly like those from Ukraine, Middle East, territorial, cultural identity type news minus the violence.  It is sad to see how this unfolds.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Coupon Terms

We picked up a The City is Talking from Neon Cactus.  It has a coupon from Oriental City.  I convinced Sarah to go to Oriental City for dinner with me to utilize the coupon. 

We soon as we presented the coupon, the waiter had to ask.  I don't even think the supervisor has seen the ad.  Unsurprisingly, the waiter came back and claimed the ad is only for student, when I disputed that as one coupon states 'student 20% off everything' and '30% off dinner menu'.  They conceded, and ripped a whole page out of the paper.  I think they kept it to show their manager and possibly pulling the ad next.

The chicken is not as good as I imagine it to be, the rice was good as always.  It was a good dinner, I did leave a good tip.

Monday 22 September 2014

Another Reason to Wear Perfume

My bottle of Dark Blue has been on my shelf for 10 years, I really need to wear it more often.

I was on the bus the other night, and the odour in the bus was horrible.  I suppose Dark Blue will be just like Pak Fah Yeow, besides more pleasant.  It is definitely another reason to wear perfume.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Neon Cactus

Neon Cactus turned out as nice as we expected.  I was a bit burnt with the fiery hot quesadilla.  I could not taste the cheese.

I will certainly take Sarah back to Neon Cactus.

Saturday 20 September 2014

Cider Friday

Emma has been doing Cider Friday, and I was offered a cider today.

Due to the stress this morning, I took the drink on the empty stomach.  Then I went to heat up my lunch, ie pie.  I was mildly influenced all afternoon!

Friday 19 September 2014

Scotland's Choice

Scotland has failed to break off from the UK.  It is the right choice, and hopefully the aftermath will be controllable.  Meanwhile I am hopeful that the pounds will come up a bit, and I could make some money from the FX.

Thursday 18 September 2014


As a minimalist, I also believe in minimalist DIY.  I am anticipating some DIY with the house, I am not looking forward to it.

On the other hand, the tradesman here is picky, so it is much easier if I just do it myself...

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Night Driving

The days is already getting darker earlier.  And the evening shift is not helping with the driving in the dark.  I have lost the screw on my glasses again!  I may have to get a new pair of glasses...

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Insurance Sale

I am just shopping around for insurance for the house, and as soon as I close the window on the internet, my phone started ringing.  These days, they smell money and they will track you down!

Monday 15 September 2014

Running with the Rolling Ball

Everything is in motion with the house purchase.  But the problem with getting the ball rolling is that I have to keep up with the balls as they roll!  Once all the balls stop, there are lots of filing to do!

Sunday 14 September 2014

Ceramic Pan

I got a new non-stick ceramic pan as seen on TV.  It works as it should, but it is hard to keep it pristine and maintain its non-stickiness.  After this pan, I will probably go back to traditional Tefal.

Saturday 13 September 2014

Rush Hour School Run Traffic

This is the first time I actually encounter school run traffic.  It was horrible and I hated it.  I must avoid school areas!

Then the rush hour city driving reminded me of home, but it really affect my driving.

Friday 12 September 2014

The Noise of Tiredness

I made a lot of audible grunt and yarns.  This only happens when I am very tired!

Thursday 11 September 2014

British Mac and Cheese

Morgan gave me these pasta and sauce things.

I had a chicken and mushroom flavour yesterday, it was horrible, tasted and smelled like a stock cube.

I had not got high hope for the macaroni and cheese, and I was not disappointed.  I did not expected it to be half as good as the Kraft stuff.  To be fair, it was nicer than the chicken and mushroom crap.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

When Plan A Works

When plan A works, even with slight hitch.  Everything falls into place, everything is like clockwork, I am happy.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

When Plan A Fails

When plan A fails, it is very frustrating.  Some may wonder what we could have done more, I look forward to find something better than plan A.

Monday 8 September 2014

Basic Motorcycle Maintenance

Morgan has been lagging behind, and I feel a bit sorry for Nim.  I took Nim to Aldi, and 20 yards down the road, I heard a horrible noise, so I stopped and check.  It was the chain, sagging badly.  I was starving, so I went to Aldi anyway.

After I come back, I got on with the chain.  Nim has a centre stand, it makes everything so much easier.  The neighbour came and asked a few maintenance questions.  I tightened the chain, it has very little adjustment left, so it won't be long when Morgan has to have the chain replaced.

Morgan also commented about gear being funny.  I asked, "What is your oil level like?".  He smiled guiltily.  Lucky for him, I have some oil at the garage.  The oil was not even on the low mark, I put about 0.5L in that little bike.

These days, Morgan rides on 60mph A-roads, so oil does tend to burnt out on these little bikes.  Also the actual mileage being piled on doesn't help the chain.

Then I helped the neighbour to find the battery.  It is a Taiwanese bike with things in fully position.  We found the battery, but inadvertently snapped a chunk of the fairing.

Morgan really needs to look after his bike better.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Emergency Poncho

We got some emergency poncho from Leeds during Leeds Festival time.  On Saturday, it was the right opportunity to use it.  It was raining quite hard and I found some motivation to get out of the door.

I remember stuffy Poncho really is.  It 'worked'.  I was fairly dry, but maybe I should get an umbrella.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Wolf of Wall Street

Gerry got the movie, and I thought I would watch it over this weekend.  I started the movie about 22:30, I thought surely I would be in bed by midnight, it went on and on.  I did not know it was 3 hours, and it was nearly 2am when I finished with it.

Why does DiCaprio like to make extra long movie?

Friday 5 September 2014

New Meaning of BMW

I was just reading the news, and found out the new meaning of BMW - Blame My Wife.

Thursday 4 September 2014

Chelsea Lately Gone

Chelsea Lately has also ended.  It was a good show, and I have lost another source of comedy!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Graduation Goggle of Harrogate

We had never been too keen on Harrogate, and with the sight of moving out of Harrogate, we made the effort to visit Harrogate.

I was going to take Sarah to THE Betty's, but instead, we took the advantage of Filmore and Union coupon, we had lunch in Harrogate.  Then we picked up a fat rascals from Betty's before heading to Valley Gardens.

Harrogate bandstand hosts stranger music than the normal bandstand.  We dropped by to find some African drumming.

Harrogate Valley Gardens

I wish I had got my small camera with me, with proper super macro.  This evil ladybug is no lady, and bit Sarah, and Sarah was kind enough to spare its life.
Harrogate Valley Gardens

Valley Gardens even has a model boat pond...

Sarah and I were both knackered, so we only spent a few hours in town, and went home.  There is only a few things worthy of our special trip to Harrogate.  I can move without feeling I missed out what Harrogate has to offer.

Tuesday 2 September 2014


I was tired. I drove up the road, and thought I was stopping at the Sainsbury junction, then I saw the BT, I was only stopping at the Woodland junction.

My motorcycle auto-drive is good, but this trance state, deja vu is definitely not good!

Monday 1 September 2014

Kirkstall Abbey Deli Market

I took AVEN to Kirkstall Abbey for a picnic.  I chose the day to coincide with the Kirkstall Abbey Deli Market.  I was surprise the Deli Market was inside the Abbey.

It was a brilliant day for a picnic, and the deli market provided the essentials.

I hope Leeds will keep the market going, and we can have more picnics in Kirkstall.