Monday 8 September 2014

Basic Motorcycle Maintenance

Morgan has been lagging behind, and I feel a bit sorry for Nim.  I took Nim to Aldi, and 20 yards down the road, I heard a horrible noise, so I stopped and check.  It was the chain, sagging badly.  I was starving, so I went to Aldi anyway.

After I come back, I got on with the chain.  Nim has a centre stand, it makes everything so much easier.  The neighbour came and asked a few maintenance questions.  I tightened the chain, it has very little adjustment left, so it won't be long when Morgan has to have the chain replaced.

Morgan also commented about gear being funny.  I asked, "What is your oil level like?".  He smiled guiltily.  Lucky for him, I have some oil at the garage.  The oil was not even on the low mark, I put about 0.5L in that little bike.

These days, Morgan rides on 60mph A-roads, so oil does tend to burnt out on these little bikes.  Also the actual mileage being piled on doesn't help the chain.

Then I helped the neighbour to find the battery.  It is a Taiwanese bike with things in fully position.  We found the battery, but inadvertently snapped a chunk of the fairing.

Morgan really needs to look after his bike better.

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