Sunday 31 May 2015

San Andreas

Every few years, you have a movie about an epic earthquakes, usually along San Andreas fault line.  Sometimes it involves some scientists, some rescuers, some governmental involvement. 

Is this how American do their public awareness and public announcement?

Saturday 30 May 2015

Fence Painting

When I was last in Aldi, I found some exterior paint, so I got some for the fence.  Painting is a lot of work, and there are so many panels to paint.  Here are so much work associating with having a house!

The paint is okay, I shall continue painting.

Friday 29 May 2015

Flourless Brownie

Liv is proper Coeliac, so I thought I would bake some flourless brownies so everyone can share.  I knew some of them called for ground almond, but I was hopeful to find corn flour alternative, such that I don't have to buy additional ingredients.  Some also called for gluten-free flour.  I found a recipe using corn flour, which turned out good.

Flourless brownie yield a lot less than flour alternative, as flour bulk it up.  With less bulking, the brownie is very rich, almost like fudge.  I am glad most people liked them.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Tiger Chocolate Tasting

They taste quite blend, tasteless, lack of depth, much like Lindt, beginner's dark chocolate.

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Ticket Closer

These days everyone uses a system to keep track of works, and each work is raised as a ticket.  There are ticket closers out there always looking for way to close ticket without actually resolving the problem.  That is not very helpful!

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Gaming Injuries

My neck is still hurting a bit, and it does seems to be exacerbated by playing game on the computer, ie tilting my head in a funny angle.  On the same token, I have similar problem at work, I must pay extra attention.

Monday 25 May 2015

London Victoria Coach Station

Sarah and I missed a coach from Victoria by 2 minutes due to diversion caused by BUPA run.  Carol and I also missed a coach from Victoria for a few minutes.

I really need to be careful when I use this coach station again!  It is very inconveniently located!

Sunday 24 May 2015

Tiger Chocolate

I never knew of the shop called Tiger until the shopaholics pointed out to me in London.  There are a lot of random stuff, but nothing really caught my eyes.  Just as we left the shop, I saw some dark chocolate, and once I verified that they are from France, I bought a couple bars.  I can't wait to try them.

Saturday 23 May 2015

Old Webcam

I finally got around to install an old webcam to my old PC.  I remember having a driver disc to the webcam, but I never remember to pack it with camera.  So I ended up having to try different online drivers, it was a nightmare.  Just when I was going to give up, it worked.  I am glad most new computers now come with standard webcams, and I don't need to mess with cheap webcams anymore!

Friday 22 May 2015

Neck Injuries

Having been out of shape for a few years, I played a bit too hard at a tennis session and pulled my neck muscles.  It has been so painful that I resorted in buying neck braces and taking pain killer to control the pain.  I realised, the higher the injuries in the body, the more it associates with mortality.  I am glad to report, it does get slightly better each day.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Aegon Ilkley Trophy

I scouted for some tennis mates online and met Anton.  He is one of the best player I have ever played, besides that Carol's friend, who I have forgotten her name.  Anton is an actual amateur player.

Anton mentioned about an ATP tournament in Ilkley, I googled it when I got home and threw it to Carol and Stef's attention.  I think it will be a good addition to the trip.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Hachez 55% D'Maracaibo Bar

I got this from Hedy.  She knows I am quite picky with my chocolate, and she remembers I mad Hachez before, so she got me this.

This is very mild, smooth.  I am do with bigger punches.

Monday 18 May 2015

Useless DVD Player

My DVD player is either playing up or useless.  Not only it doesn't play PAL 2, it doesn't play any of my discs, even those I have watched before using this player before...

Sunday 17 May 2015

Ilkley Moors

We continued our Dales way onto Ilkley Moors.  I never stop over at Ilkley, it is indeed a nice town.  We also went to Ilkley Bettys, that has completed my visits to all Bettys!

Saturday 16 May 2015

45 Minutes Per Drinks

I was out with my colleagues, and I wanted to pace my drinking.  I told them I would not drink quicker than 45 minutes per drink for liver does not process the alcohol and leading to drunkenness.  They must think I am a nerd, which I am.

Friday 15 May 2015

Internet Security

I have been meaning to sort out the out of date anti-virus.  I wrestled with it for a little, and I just settled with simple AVG.  I really have no energy to mess around these days.

Thursday 14 May 2015

Happy Birthday Sarah

Happy Birthday Sarah!  I wish I were spending your birthday celebrating with you.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Process Safety

There are a lot to learn in manufacturing, I only just started on the basics.

Like Ryan say, I changed out of the fluffy flip flops into hard shoes, I hope I can make it.

Tuesday 12 May 2015


Weeding is an endless task, there is so much chores!

Monday 11 May 2015

Hornsea and Humber

Shaun got a smaller bike, and two of the guys for tickets, as the result, we kept at a good pace.

We went to Hornsea, it is a good town.  I also crossed Humber twice, luckily it was not too windy.

Sunday 10 May 2015

Mr Moo

I tried Mr Moo ice-cream, I am not impressed.  I would not be eating them again.

Saturday 9 May 2015

UK General Electrion

Conservative Won, just like when Bush won his 2nd term.  People with money really should think about more investment in the next 5 years in conservative government.

Friday 8 May 2015

Greed for Computers

I got a couple computers at work.  I was called greedy.  I think I a greedy with computers.  I am always happier when I am in a 2-computer household.  These days, we like laptop, desktop and mobiles.

I am happy with my two computers, at home and at work.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Old Slazenger Racket

I just started playing tennis again, I am so out of shape.

I am trying out Carol's old rackets, and they are good, besides his grip is so much smaller than my hand.

At the same time, I should have restrung my Slazenger racket.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Wind Watching

There was only one potential reason I would not like paragliding, now there is a second reason.

I don't like free falling, and due to the nature of flying, there will be occasion when I would experience free falling.

The fact I have to keep checking the weather, including the wind, is annoying.  I think I can be bothered to pick it up...

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Corporatey 30 Rock

I started watching the DVDs, and it is very Corporatey.  I need to learn the ways, good tutorials.

Monday 4 May 2015

Cancer Research Bargain

We swung by Cancer Research and found some bargain.  I got 5 seasons of 30 Rock for 5 quid.  Besides they are in PAL format, I cannot watch it on the DVD player, I have to watch them on the computer...

Sunday 3 May 2015

Another Long Day in West Yorkshire

We picked up on the Dales Way, but due to inadequate footwear, rain and being out of shape, we only did half of what we set off to walk.  We went to a local pub, with good old Yorkshire menu with Yorkshire price.

Because we wrap up early, we fully utilised the bus ticket.  We went back to Leeds and did the grocery shopping, then after dinner we went to Wetherby for ice-cream.  Good value for the bus fare!

Saturday 2 May 2015


I would never buy tapioca to cook at home, but Rachel did.  So we got some and Sarah insisted of cooking it.  It was meant to be "15 minutes", I laughed.  And 75 minutes later, we finally have them cooked through.

There really isn't any benefit cooking a small batch at home.  They do not usually turn out well in small batches.  On the same token, sago.

Friday 1 May 2015

Personal Space Invasion

Please get out of my head, and it is not a compliments.  It is one of the worst personal space invasion.