Friday 26 June 2015

Isle Grand Tour: Day 13

We were going to stop via Yorkshire Sculpture Park, but since we were not too energetic, I suggested to go to the University of Leicester Botanic Gardens instead.  We had a quick walk around, and Carol thought we were going to see topiary, sculpted plants instead of actual sculptures.  I was glad we did not go to YSP!

We got back to Leeds early.  I had time to go some quick shopping in the market and took Carol to a few funky places.  She was quite impressed with Roast and Conch and the Arch.

We went home early.  Carol got on with packing, and I got on with weeding.  We had some dinner then I remember we had time and we could hit around.  Carol was equally excited about the idea.  Instead of walking down to the tennis court, we drove.  Whinmoor tennis court was occupied!  And since we drove, we drove to Roundhay instead.  Carol called it, "tennis court hopping".

We messed around for an hour before calling it a day.  The newly strung rackets were very good.

When we got home, I got home and carry on with my errands, and so was Carol.  What a productive day!

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