Tuesday 31 May 2016

First of the Year Yorkshire Dales Ride

I was originally booked into Malham, but I had to cancel because little Rome's electric was playing up and I was not sure if I would get her back in time.

I thought I would take the opportunity to use my new Bell helmet, and wore my red jacket to match.  The forecast was good, but it simply was not good enough...  I was very cold all morning.

I joined Dave's Yorkshire run, met them at Leyburn Manor Cafe just when they were leaving.  I was hoping for a hot drink to warm up, but I only had time for a quick toilet break.  I was delayed as they were loads of horses, and horse-drawn carriages on the road!  There were also a lot of police presence in the Dales.

Then we went to Tan Hill for lunch.  Only then the sun came out and I slowly warm up.  The Sunday roast was nice, besides the fact I nearly was served a lamb roast instead.  There were lambs and sheep running around as we ate outside, they bleated, "who is eating my mother?"

We dropped down to Devil's Bridge, it was very busy.  It was so busy that the cops came by and moved the illegally parked bikes.  Then we went up to Ribblehead viaduct.

Ribblehead Viaduct

Then we dropped down to Settle, where I took this dreamy selfie.  I think it may have to do with the new protective cover?

Finally we got to Malham, where I stopped and said hi to everyone.  And managed to stay for free dinner.

A few of us popped over to see White Scar Cove.  It will always look distorted regardless what cameras you use.

White Scar Cove, Malham

Dave and I went back to Leeds, by then the clouds had come in and I was cold again.  Very very cold.  I will try not to make the same mistake again.

Monday 30 May 2016

Fueling Station for Horses?

They were filling up with 'free water', causing quite a queue when we needed some air.

They were also absolutely everywhere in the Dales...

Sunday 29 May 2016

Slug Sex

When I was weeding the garden, I saw this.  Despite my hatred for them, I did the humane thing, I scooped them up and put in the bin.  I could have put salt on them, and they will die before my eyes, but that is a bit sick. 

Saturday 28 May 2016

Modernise Old Bike LED II

When I look around more, I found more solution to converting to LED.  I can just change the indicator relay together, rather than putting resistors/relays on each indicator.  This should be a better solution.  It is also an easier solution.  Let's hope some of it turns up, so I can get it all sorted this long weekend.

Friday 27 May 2016

Another Safety Switch

When I took the bike into the shop, there were a few theories as to what failed.

I managed to keep the electric fairly dry, and their condition weren't that bad.  The AA man already tried the side stand switch, and I already changed the starter relay.  Gary thought it may be the push button, as it turns out, the safety switch on the clutch side.

There is always something new with little Rome.  Gary sounds very positive about the bike, and I hope she is healthy for the foreseeable future!

Thursday 26 May 2016

Free Postcards

There is a pile of free postcards at work, so I looked through them.  There are reasons why the postcards are free.  Some of the imagery are iconic, but no longer socially acceptable.  There are some colonial imagery, which are quite offensive.

When I think it costs the same to send a letter as postcard, it really isn't a point to send a postcard!

Wednesday 25 May 2016

Modernise Old Bike LED

It is getting harder to find filament bulb indicators, so I got some LED.  Little do I know, I need a "load" connecting to the minimal load LED to enable it to work.  I will just put it off for now and buy some filament bulbs this time.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

"Cheap" Haircut

I went to this place in the market hoping for a cheap haircut.  Not only the equipment is completely covered in other people's DNA, as a result, I was also covered by other people's DNA by the end, the equipment were literally dull.

And because somehow my simple haircut required "layering", so they wanted 10 pounds of me, which defeats the whole point of using them.

I will never go back again.

Monday 23 May 2016

Filthy Air Box

Little Rome's air box was due a clean.  I got a K&N cleaning kit and took the air box out for a clean.  It was absolutely filthy.  Due to the lack of regular air flow and living in the damp garage, there were mould in additional to all the dead insects.  Now little Rome is in semi-retirement, I really should spend more time on her.

Sunday 22 May 2016

Chores Time

I finally have a free weekend in Leeds.  My lawn was overdue a mowing, and I need to give little Rome some TLC before I take her to the mechanic.

The overdue lawn took a really long time to sort out, and the rain wasn't helping.  I could not believe I spent a whole weekend on them!

Saturday 21 May 2016

"Useless" American Tools

I started acquiring tools when I was in the States.  I had them for bicycle maintenance and motorcycle maintenance.

These tools managed to travel with me many places, and I got some of them with me.  I thought it is always good to have a few handy tools around.  When I do try to use them, I realised, these American tools are imperial and practically useless!

Friday 20 May 2016

Yogurt - Unacquired Taste

I was given a strawberry and granola yogurt this morning, so I had the opportunity to try strawberry, again, yogurt, again.

I am still not a big fan of strawberry, the flavour, the texture.  I will definitely opt for other fruits.  I am still disgusted by yogurt, the flavour, the texture, the entire thing.  I managed to ate the whole thing but really disliking the whole experience.

Thursday 19 May 2016

Green & Black's Organic Dark Chocolate Thin

The starting taste is quite standard, pleasant.  Taste does not linger much.  Better than expected: "organic", "Trinitario".

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Automatic Car Washes

I have been meaning to wash my car.  I meant to take the car to an automatic car wash, specifically IMO.  I have seen IMO in Harrogate and many expensive cars use it.  But I am very disappointed when the Leicester Abbey Lane branch was closed.  I was misled to believe the IMO was open by both the IMO website and Google images.  I tried to locate it twice, and only to confirm it was closed. 

Sarah had some hearsay bad experience with automatic car wash back in the 80s, and Rachel said she had some marks from her previous supermarket automatic car wash.  But I am not deterred, I still consider it the best option.

When I stopped for fuel in Sainsbury, I thought to try their automatic car wash.  In additional to automatic car wash uses less water than traditional car wash.  Their automatic car wash is supplied by Wilcomatic, which is a British company.  Sainsbury is another British tax-paying company.  The fee went through the books properly.  This is definitely the best option.

It took the machine 3 minute to complete the Express cycle.  After the car wash, I had a walk around.  The car was definitely cleaner.  In IMO, I think drying is part of the service, but I did not bother to dry it, I only dried the mirror and let the car air dry.  In hindsight, I should have dried the car, as the wax could dry unevenly, which could be the marks on Rachel's car.

Let see if I can find the IMO in Leeds later this year for the next car wash.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

Great Central Railway

Great Central Railway

Sarah really wanted to catch the Great Central steam trains, so we went in honour of her birthday.  As we found out from the manufacturers' stamps and the drivers, both the train and the carriages are made in the 20th century.  They may have deliberately left the carriage in a poorer conditions to exaggerate their ages.

Great Central RailwayGreat Central Railway
Great Central Railway

The technology is a little older.  These pictures looks more like black and white than colour pictures.
Great Central Railway

There is more coal chunks than ballasts.  And the tracks are a little worn, unlikely due to age, probably due to softer newer steel track being use on the older harder wheels.

Great Central Railway

It was acceptable in the 40s, but why it is acceptable to show cigarette and tobaccos advertisement in location popular with young children in the name of vintage?

Great Central Railway

If this inefficient, filthy, carbon dioxide releasing jolly is acceptable in the name of education and vintage, then why don't we just keep a couple coal fired generators going in the name of education and vintage, at least they have some useful outputs.
Great Central Railway
Great Central Railway

Monday 16 May 2016


At last, the weather was nice enough for me to fly.  From the last session, I know I would not be airborne for long.  Unlike when Hedy was in Nepal, there was a lot of lifts in the valley to sustain the flight.

It was all over in a few minutes.  It was nice to see the world from the air, but I am not sure it warrant all the hassles.  Breezy, scenic, a sense of danger and inconvenience, I already do that with a bike.


I am glad I have done it!

Sunday 15 May 2016

South China Morning Post

I got some shares in South China Morning Post in the old days, and it has since been delisted from HKEX.  I thought they were just dead shares sitting in the account, and wonder when it will be relisted so I can sell.

Years on, I couldn't do anything with it, but this month, came the fruit.  SCMP is no longer in the game of media, sold off their business, and giving us all dividend.  The dividend is quite handsome, and it worth nearly as much as the share were.  Technically I still have the share, and will still benefit from the group, but let see if their business venture will take them back to HKEX or give us more dividend.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Happy Birthday Sarah!

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Sarah,
Happy Birthday to you!

Friday 13 May 2016

American Goodies Chocolate Nature Valley

With the limited fund and stomach space, I chose to buy this. This is not available in England.  I thought they were not cheap, then when I opened the box, they still have 6 packets, when the English version has cut to 5 packets for years.

They tastes quite nice.  They don't taste as chocolatey as they look.  They are not very moreish, which is good.  I am glad I have bought and tried them.

Thursday 12 May 2016

Rocky Rice

I found these Rocky Rice from the Leeds Kirkgate Market. They look innocent, so I got some.

They are low in calories on its own, but they are unbelievably moreish, it is hard to stop!  I must stop myself from buying them altogether!

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Process of Elimination

I spent a little more time with little Rome.  It is not the fuse, potentially not the switch.  I shall be getting a starter relay...  It is not too expensive.  I should try to exhaust all the home trial before taking to the mechanic for a thorough solution...

I also tried Andy's trick, it works, I can start the bike without problems.  I have even improved on his method!

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Vivid Lounge

I met up with Sofy at Vivid Lounge.  I was hoping they have a carpark, but there wasn't.  Luckily, Sunday parking is free nearby, and I managed to find a free spot.  It locates by the Ashton Locks, with the good weather and outside seating, it is a very good venue.

When I first looked at their menu, I was a bit skeptical.  I saw Kedgeree, and I thought I would take the opportunity to try.  It was very nice.  It is like a smoked haddock pilau rice.  I would certainly have it again.

The drink selection is also good. The iced coffee was very nice. I will certainly revisit Vivid.

Monday 9 May 2016

Get Composting

Steve was just talking about composting at work.  Sarah and I discussed about composting and I really have no need for the 'free plant food'.  Coincidentally, I looked at the Leeds website, they were doing a road show on composting, so I stopped by anyway.  I entered a lucky draw for a compost bin, and got a free linen carrier bag.  Let see if I get a bin!

Sunday 8 May 2016

AA Rescue with New Trick

I took Little Rome into town, and all was well.  When I tried to take her home, she refused to start.  I had to call out AA.  I was going to call the assistance using the app, but it did not work, so I phoned.

After the call was logged, I was able to track the call using the app.  The estimate time was also very accurate.  All the features in the app are good.

Andy turned up and tried a few things.  He showed me a trick to put a voltage across the starter motor and got the bike started.  This beats bump starting any day!

I have to spend some time on Little Rome and hope she gets happier.

Saturday 7 May 2016

Stupid Car Radio

My battery died the other week, and subsequently the radio locked out.  The previous owner and the dealer never jot down the radio code, so I am stuffed.  I now have to book my car into a dealer and hand over some money before I can get it unlocked.  And drive without radio is very boring!

And freezing the radio does not work.

Friday 6 May 2016

Hard Copies Photo

When I last formatted my computer, I must have forgot to back up the photographs.  So I think I am missing some photos.  This is the problem with electronic copies.  I must start printing them as a habit.

Thursday 5 May 2016


In the recent travel, we notice it is so hard to find decent postcards, including touristy towns.  Then I try to find some online, but there is also very few options.  For those who said we can find everything online, apparently postcard is an exception.

How else is a town going to promote or show off their sights?

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Sonic Booms

I heard a loud boom, followed by another quieter boom.  I wonder if a nearby factory exploded, but there were no sound of emergency service.

I thought it was just someone in the neighbourhood lit some firework, etc.  I didn't think more about it, until Sarah told me she saw on Facebook it was as RAF Sonic Boom.

This was probably the first time I hear a sonic boom.  A few people from work heard it, but a few managed to miss it.

How did the pilot fly off course? Is the auto-pilot not easy enough?

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Extra Polar Ice

We got this gum on our trip, and I thought to try flavour that we don't normally see, so I got these.  Extra should rename this gum Bengay.  It smells like Bengay, tastes like Bengay.  Absolutely horrible!  It certain keeps you awake from the gagging.

Monday 2 May 2016

M1 Cameras

When I was traveling down on the M1, I saw flashes, and it drew my attention to the cameras across the motorway.  Then I start paying more attentions to them.  This also dispels the myth that those cameras are only on when variable speed is enforced.  Couple with the camera flash I saw the other day in Walton, cameras do flash!

Then I start paying more attentions to them.  I observed the two types of cameras on M1.  So I now know what they look like, I will be watching out for them in the future.

We are not sure why so many cameras are on this week.  There is always an increase Police presence across long holidays, maybe the additional road/speed controls is part of it.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Amish in Flesh

When we were in Chicago, we saw load of Amish on the bus.  I was quite sure they were Amish, Sarah also noticed they spoke a different language.  I told Sarah what I know about Amish and there were loads of shows about Amish on Channel 4.

When we saw them on the bus, one was drinking iced coffee, another had a bottle of soda.  I was totally confused.  I thought they were meant to be strict.

We saw more of them in the train station.  I was asking our local friend about this, and she said it is normal to see Amish in Chicago, as they travel between their communities.  They have communities in Wisconsin, Ohio, etc, not exclusively in Pennsylvania as I originally imagine.

Lo and behold, when we were in Ohio, we learnt more about them.  We did not see them in Cleveland, but the bookstores have Amish literatures and we saw local businesses advertise about craft furniture by Amish craftsmen.