Sunday 1 May 2016

Amish in Flesh

When we were in Chicago, we saw load of Amish on the bus.  I was quite sure they were Amish, Sarah also noticed they spoke a different language.  I told Sarah what I know about Amish and there were loads of shows about Amish on Channel 4.

When we saw them on the bus, one was drinking iced coffee, another had a bottle of soda.  I was totally confused.  I thought they were meant to be strict.

We saw more of them in the train station.  I was asking our local friend about this, and she said it is normal to see Amish in Chicago, as they travel between their communities.  They have communities in Wisconsin, Ohio, etc, not exclusively in Pennsylvania as I originally imagine.

Lo and behold, when we were in Ohio, we learnt more about them.  We did not see them in Cleveland, but the bookstores have Amish literatures and we saw local businesses advertise about craft furniture by Amish craftsmen.

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