Thursday 30 June 2016

Slug Trap II

I moved the little sunflower outside, and worry about the slug, I set out some traps.  This time it has been more 'fruitful'.  I will keep it going, at least until the sunflower grows up.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

Tuesday 28 June 2016

Leeds Waterfront Festival 2016

This year's Leeds Waterfront Festival has expanded.  There were events dotted all around the cities.  It may have something to do with being Leeds-Liverpool Canal bicentennial year.  I went to the dragon boat race last year at Clarence Dock and so this year we opted for the free canal boat trip and the brass band at Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills.

We got there later than we planned, and still managed to got on the first boat trip, lucky!  It was a 12-berth canal boat, unlike other boats I had been on before.

After we got some lunch from Armley, we had our lunch with the Otley Brass Band playing.
With a flash of coffee, we were feeling quite middle aged!

When they took a break, we took a break too.  We decided to walk along the canal into town and see other activities.  We came across the 'junk' boats.

There were live music, magic shows, dance troupes and comedy all by the water front.  It was fun.  I hope they keep it up next year!

Monday 27 June 2016

Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

I went to Yorkshire Game Fair once in Harewood, and it was fun.  This year, I brought Sarah to the Yorkshire Game Fair at Hornby Castle.  Not to mistake with CLA Game Fair, which is more expensive and much bigger.

Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

It was a lovely dry morning and and we the most of it.  They had the usual falconry, dogs or music.
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

Then there is some traditional and harder to come by things.
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

And yes, polo!
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

There were not very many freebies, but we managed to get some.  We got some 'natural' fire starters. I could have bought some, but I only need a few starters for the BBQs!

I even took the opportunity to try shooting clay pigeon.  The recoil was strong, it was like being punched at the shoulder 10 times!  Now I have ticked it off the box, I won't do it again.

It was a nice day.

Sunday 26 June 2016

French Onion Soup

I probably have made onion soup o some description before.  Again I was trying to use up onions, so I found this French onion soup recipe and made some soup.  It is quite nice.  I will remember to use this recipe again when I next using up onions.

Saturday 25 June 2016

Travel Sickness

I got some travel sickness pills and did not know who would use it.  Then I was on the driving simulator, I was feeling so unwell.  I will definitely be taking them the next experiment.

Friday 24 June 2016

Thursday 23 June 2016

Cake Diet

With the left over cakes, I am going to be eating cakes for the next few days! 

The "baking coffee" is indeed a bit horrid, but once there is enough sugar it is about okay.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Pension Management

Why is the pension suppliers' online service not as good as other internet banking?  Why do they always not take the instruction correctly?  It may seems harmless, but a few quid now could be a few grand when I retire.

How very annoying when I cannot manage my money due to their incompetence!

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Butter Spree

I swept up a loads of short date butter from the supermarket.  In my opinion, they rarely go 'off'.  But I was told they go rancid or something.

Then the news came, that a 2000-years old block of butter was found in a bog, which is obviously forwarded to me as a tease.

Ian's birthday is coming up, I have an excuse to use up some of these butter!

Monday 20 June 2016

Slug Trap

I finally got around trying the slug trap with the old lager.  At first, it was not working when it was raining.  Then on the dry spell, there were a couple of slugs came for a drink.  I "encouraged" them to swim in the beer.

I was promised dramatic results, but I have yet to see.  The bigger drunk slug managed to get out after I "encouraged" them to swim!  How was that possible!!

What a disgusting creature!

Sunday 19 June 2016

York Pride

I turned up at Knavesmire to see York Pride about 1:30pm, and it was still a bit quiet.  Moments later, they were arriving.  Their parade should have started at 11:30, and it had taken them 2 hours to get to the park.

Knaresmire's grass was very long. Since I was early at the park, I did not pick up any freebies, saving them for the novice goers.

As I saw the parade come in, they were directed by people with clearly labelled high visibility waist coat.  York pride is small, but very organised!

The organiser made every stall sell their York Pride merchandise to make up the money. I stopped at Yorkshire Ambulance Services and pick up some cards. I have at least contributed something.

Saturday 18 June 2016

The Cluster of Nuts

I always wanted to check out the new Wetherby new carpark.  I thought it would just be called Hallfield Lane carpark, but it is called The Cluster of Nuts!

Apparently that is the name of the old cottages once stood there, funny.

Friday 17 June 2016

Deer Accident

The van in front was behaving strangely, slowing down without much indication.  Then it became apparent it was a young deer jumping onto the road.  He escaped unharmed from the van in front of me, but he was hit by the van on the opposite side.

It was a young deer, so it probably did not make a big den on the van, and the van probably had slowed down, so the deer would probably survive, if his injuries were tended to, which would be unlikely.

It is not a nice sight first thing in the morning.

Thursday 16 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Fridge Switch

The fridge switch finally arrived, and Sarah fitted it, and it worked!

I am proud of Sarah for trying despite initial hesitation.  Now I can start instructing her on other electrical repairs.

Tuesday 14 June 2016


When we think public homophobia in the West is curbed and under controlled, and IDAHO is redundant for most developed countries, it isn't; something atrocious happened, extreme violence towards a LGBTQ.

The mass shooting in Orlando shows exactly that, LGBTQ in the society have been discriminated, historically and systematically persecuted are still subjected to these barbaric discrimination.

I wish the survivors the best for their recoveries, physically and mentally.  I hope the victim will rest in peace knowing their death was an important wakeup call to all of us that it is a long battle to eradicate homophobia, and we should not let our guards down.

Monday 13 June 2016

"Introductory" Traps

I don't usually read all my statements like a hawk, but I do skim through them.

The word "interest" caught my eyes, and I was pretty sure I did everything to avoid it.  I was fuming.

I finally spoke to them Monday morning, they first gave some lame reason why the interest was there, that it was due as introductory offer ends.  And I reviewed my documents again and rang back; nowhere could I see interest should be due.

So after two phone calls, I got my money back.  Let's hope that has not put my phone over the limit for this month!

Sunday 12 June 2016

Car Brake Checks

Austin and Rob insisted one can check car brake pad level easily.  I found it is nearly impossible with the steel wheel in the way.  The alloy wheel has a better sight of the brake caliper.

I simply cannot see what they were pointing at.  I am sure they were just making it up.  Everything is just easier on a bike!

Saturday 11 June 2016

Car Batteries

Sarah's 13 years old battery finally died.  The RAC man kindly sold her one at the spot.  I have mentioned to Sarah about its age, and we could have per-emped the incident.  It would have been much cheaper.

As long as its the problem of a weak battery, not the alternator, it can be jumped and not be a problem during the drive, but the premium is charged to risk reduction.

When I last got little Rome's battery, I made sure it was a good gel batteries.  Speaking of which, it is now 5 years old, and I need to look after her battery health more.

Friday 10 June 2016

New Bike TLC II

I got a pump and everything seems to be working except the front shifter.  I lubricated it and it can now shift up, but the spring is not pulling the shifter down when I downshift.  I have exercised it but does not seem to help.  I am not sure further exercises and cleaning will help.  I may have to get a new shifter or at least the spring.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Gluten-Free Brownies II

I made some GF brownies before, they were too soft and fudgey to my taste.  I googled and found David Lebovitz's recipe.

I did not follow the recipe to the dot.  I reduced the sugar like I always do.  I did not have baking cacao, so I threw in more chocolate instead, perfect time to use up the Heidi Romanian chocolate.  Then I was also very generous with the corn flour.

They turned out well, next time will make it with a little more sugar and a little less corn starch.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

New Bike TLC

I finally got around to mend Rachel's old bike.  I sent it to Halford for the bottom bracket, but I was going to do the rest.

The usual way to get muck off the bike, and lets leave all the muck outside the house.

A massive thorn in the front tyre.  I got a new tube.  I just need a presta pump to pump it up...  The front wheel bearing is on its way out...

Borrowed a chain cutter from Matt.  New chain on the cleaned gear also looks lovely, but this won't last...  The 112 links of chain is 'only' stretched by half a link, and apparently it is fully stretched.  I have kept a few links as reference, so I could use it to measure up in the future.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Sunglasses Season

I remember the optometrist said, always wear sunglasses.

This is definitely the sunglasses season, I must remind myself to keep them on!

Monday 6 June 2016

Radio Reset

I finally got around to a Seat garage and for a reset code for the radio.  I could not reset it until the next long drive.  When I finally put the code in and it worked, I am so glad I don't have to mess around with podcasts in the car journey.

Sunday 5 June 2016


I thought I would try the Kedgeree from Bar Dos.  It is completely different from the one from Vivid Lounge.  I prefer the vivid lounge version more.

I googled the recipe, I think the Bar Dos version is slightly more 'authentic', but both of them had a different interpretation.

Maybe I should just avoid kedgeree altogether from now on.

Saturday 4 June 2016

LED Fridge Bulb

Sarah's fridge light is not working.  I checked the bulb and it was burnt.  We went for some bulbs.

When we looked at the catalog, there is a LED bulb for the fridge!  It is expensive and since fridge bulb is not constantly on, it doesn't justify the expensive bulb.  The bulb will easily last longer than the fridge itself, so we opted for a normal bulb.

It still didn't work, I thought was the bulb, but as it turned out, it is possibly the switch.  Now a switch is being ordered.  Let's hope it works.

Friday 3 June 2016

Spring Onions

I got some seeds from last year's spring onion and I am trying to grow them.  It is taking absolutely forever, it maybe a few more months before it is big enough for consumption.  I will not do it again!

Thursday 2 June 2016

Gardening - Bury Money in Soil

They say, gambling is like throwing money in the sea.  I start to think gardening is like burying money in the soil.

I am ordering more chemicals and seeds to try to maintain my lawn to a good standard, but it is a lot of work!  And the chemicals and seeds are not yet yielding noticeable results.

Starting next year, I should have a budget for the garden and give in once the fund is exhausted.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Vote for an Imagination

When the public is given the vote to a complex issue, and the advocates preaches about the power and the dreams: "Have the pie and eat it" ideology; it is motivational, but very contradictory. 

If "country A" is a closed free trade union, and country B decides to grant free trade to everyone else.  Then by definition, "country A" will not give country B free trade, as it will defeats "country A" closed trade union.

If country B wants to apply protectionism to "protect jobs", then by definition country B will have to apply tariff on incoming goods, which country B is also a producer.  Then country B goods will definitely be restricted by the other producing country as a retaliation.

If country B applies visa restriction to "country A", "country A" will apply visa restriction to country B.  It means bigger immigration department, higher travel cost, more travel delays.  For country C gets a £10 landing visa fee for each visitor, it is £50 a family, and more for workers.  The cost is nominal and hardly enough for the immigration staffing cost.
If country B wants to remove cheap labour from the market, as part of the protectionism scheme, then the labour market is smaller and less competitive, resulting in higher labour cost.  The workers could be deceived to believe less competitive market as a good thing, but as a consumer, we take the blunt of the cost.

At the end of the day, everyone wants everyone else's money, and they are only glad to have more of it by means of immigration restriction and import restrictions.  All resulting in a bigger, more bureaucratic government.  Bigger Border Force, bigger HMRC, is that exactly what we want?  How will they be funded?

Vote for what is the best option, not vote for the contradicting what-ifs.