Monday 27 June 2016

Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

I went to Yorkshire Game Fair once in Harewood, and it was fun.  This year, I brought Sarah to the Yorkshire Game Fair at Hornby Castle.  Not to mistake with CLA Game Fair, which is more expensive and much bigger.

Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

It was a lovely dry morning and and we the most of it.  They had the usual falconry, dogs or music.
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

Then there is some traditional and harder to come by things.
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

And yes, polo!
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016
Yorkshire Game Fair 2016

There were not very many freebies, but we managed to get some.  We got some 'natural' fire starters. I could have bought some, but I only need a few starters for the BBQs!

I even took the opportunity to try shooting clay pigeon.  The recoil was strong, it was like being punched at the shoulder 10 times!  Now I have ticked it off the box, I won't do it again.

It was a nice day.

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