Monday 7 August 2017

Leeds Pride 2017

Leeds Pride has grown over the years, every year is more and more organised.  This year I was a spectator.

We meet up at train station, we took a picture with the BTP Leeds, but it was never posted on their Twitter.  Then we went to The Tetley to meet up with the rest of the people, and browsed the latest "Modern Art".

We browsed the stalled before the Lower Brigrate area become ridiculous busy.  I have harvested a few pens, some candies.  I watched a video about life of a diary cow view using a virtual reality goggles, and had a discussion with the meat in diet and food production industries, etc.

We had lunch at Corn Exchange when everyone had Humpit, I had Primo's, the video did not move me the slightest.

We moved to Leeds City Museum to view at a vantage point.

Everyone loves a bit of brass.
Leeds Pride 2017
But don't forget to wear hearing protection.
Leeds Pride 2017
The Librarians had a stall and marched!
Leeds Pride 2017
All the other clubs just hired Muscle Maries, Viaduct always has a show on.
Leeds Pride 2017
We did not see that many Asexual flags, luckily University of Leeds has a big one.
Leeds Pride 2017

The whole parade move off just shy of 1 hour.  We did not walk down with the parade, we went to a cafe instead.  After that, we walked back to The Tetley, but not before we saw the 5 colour rainbow crossing near Victoria Quarter.

We had to take a long diversion to get back to the Tetley.  Then we proceeded back to Leeds Station South to pick up our car.  By that point, I was exhausted, and walking back to the bus station with the diversion was not appealing.  Luckily, the Leeds Water Taxi was still running.  I hopped on the taxi and it took me to the Docks, and from there it was only a shorter walk to the bus station.

Leeds Pride 2017

A nice pride!

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