Friday 31 August 2018

Making Babies Chilli

My chilli plant is flowering nicely, and after reading some instructions, I brave myself in cotton budding the flowers. I wonder if it is effective.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Finance is

I am clicking around on the finance e-learning, the company is keen is making everyone finance-aware. It is very boring, very counter-intuitive, hence Finance is not easy!

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Joy of Plain Crackers

I got some of these on reduced, and they sat in my drawer for another two months. Finally I broke into them, they are very good. I do like my boring food!

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Fragile Samsung

It is not even 4 months after I replaced the screen, and I managed to cracked it.  In additional to all the other problems, I am happy to use this S4 as my last Samsung!

Monday 27 August 2018

Ski Snozone MK

After my recent visit in Castleford Xcape, I wanted to check out the other slopes taking advantage of the summer discount with Snozone in MK.  Shortly after I started skiing in MK, I started to think Castleford was much better!

The pistes are very uneven for a start.  Then I realised the bigger the slope, the longer you spend on the lift!  Even though there are two lifts operating in MK, but because of the larger proportion of beginners in MK, the lifts keep stopping, which doesn't help!  Then I started using the jumps, and only after two hours I was using them, I was advised I can only use the jumps if I wear a helmet, meanwhile to other people were using the jumps wearing woolie hat!  Lastly, the locker ate my money!

I will just stick with Castleford!

Sunday 26 August 2018

Stupid Phone

My pictures on the phone keeps getting corrupted.  I suspect it is the SD card, let's hope my suspicion is right and it is a cheap fix...  Otherwise I need to take it back to the shop!

Saturday 25 August 2018

Medicinal Chocolate

We were in the supermarket and I was critiquing the Waitrose 1 Chocolate selection, then an elderly gentleman grabbed a few bars from the rack and exclaimed, "Chocolate is chocolate!"

Then we were in another shop, I spotted another elderly couple having 4 bars of Lindt 90%.  I suddenly realised they are all taking dark chocolate for health reason and careless of taste profile!

Friday 24 August 2018

Guittard 72% Cacao Quetzalcoatl

Mark and Spencer is selling up their chocolate selection and I got one of these from their end of line stock.  It is acceptable...  Let just say I would not pay full price for this when Lindt is equally good in this arena.

Thursday 23 August 2018


variants: or dray \ˈdrā\
Definition of drey plural -s : a squirrel's nest

We heard a noise, we popped our head in the ceiling void, then we found a drey...  The baby squirrel was still in the drey!

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Tasteless Ham

I got some ham from Lidl.  I have not had more tasteless ham in my life before!

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Shadwell Horticultural Society

I drove past a sign saying there is a Shadwell Show, so we went to see what is on.
We had a stroll from my house to Shadwell, along country lanes and past cows and black berries brambles.

When we got there, it was fully enclosed. When we got to the gate, there was signs saying "FREE ENTRY" so I walked straight past it. I did not register the line below "WHEN YOU JOIN THE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY". As it turns out, it was £6!!! If they had put it on the signs, I would not have bothered. But since we already walked there, we paid up and had a look.


There are some pretty flowers and vegetables, but was it £6 worth?  It was in a really big tent, but was it?

Then there was a band, but was it?

There were archery, circuit ring, tea stand, but was it?

Monday 20 August 2018

Movie Subtitle

I was interested in watching a movie called Gold, which is an Indian movie in Hindi.  When we got to the cinema, not a single staff can confirm the movie is subtitled!  I gave up on watching this movie.  Just out of curiosity, I emailed the customer service, and they confirmed all foreign language films are subtitled!

Sunday 19 August 2018

Old Amsterdam Gouda

I picked this Old Amsterdam Gouda up from the marked down counter, it wasn't labelled as Gouda, it just labelled as "Cheese".  I asked the staff, and they thought it was a cheese started with a K.  Only when I got home finally opened the wrapper and saw the Old Amsterdam brand.  I have not yet properly tried it, but it mixed in well in my cheese toastie!

Saturday 18 August 2018


adjective  \ ˈā-zhən also -shən \
Usage guide: asian vs. asiatic
Examples: Asian in a Sentence

Definition of Asian
: of, relating to, or characteristic of the continent of Asia or its people

A new movie coming out called Crazy Rich Asians, and a lot of stupid commentators started commenting the use of word "Asians" and how the movie did not encompassing all the Asians.  Why can't people fully understand the context before they comment.  Not only the movie was based on a book with the same title, it is really meaningless to ask the book author to name the book differently.

Also, in American culture, "Asians" implies East and Southeast Asians.  On the other hand, in England, "Asians" implies South Asians.  Maybe I should be more upset regarding the recent BBC Asian Network's Big Comedy Night with no East and Southeast Asians representation?

Friday 17 August 2018

Fresh Off the Boat

I was clicking around on YouTube and found Fresh Off the Boat.  I am not prepared to pay to watch, so I am stuck with just watching clips.  Funny!

Thursday 16 August 2018

Roundup Gel

On RHS's recommendation, I bought this Roundup Gel.  It contains Glyphosate, and it has been on the news, but I don't care.  The worst thing is that, I don't think it works!

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Hamster's New Food

We decided to change Gepetto's food. We are quite happy that he took on the new food quite quick. He then realised the old food, muesli, is actually a treat.  Lastly, now he understands a treat is a treat, and you can do whatever you want when you have a treat in your hand!

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Skiing Workout

I am absolutely shattered after skiing.  According to their website, there are skiing burns a lot of calories, but I am not convinced.  On the other hand, my back, arms, shoulders were aching from the skiing for sure.  I will build in a lot of rest time next time I ski.

Monday 13 August 2018

Summer Skiing

Since the ride out has been cancelled, I looked around when I can do on a rainy day.  Snozone is doing a summer discount, as they always do, so I signed up for a 4 hours pass for £19.90!

The first three runs were warm up, and it wasn't bad afterwards.  I did not land on my bum, I did not stop the lift.  Actually compare with the others on the slope, I am not too bad.  I even started using the little ramp!

My legs are tired!  I will keep my eyes out for the summer deals with Snozone!

Sunday 12 August 2018

Lidl BBQ Offerings

I got a few things form Lidl for my BBQ.  We liked the living lettuce, but the crisps and sausages were not very exciting...

Saturday 11 August 2018

Three Kingdoms Period Drama

I just watched a new series of the period drama centering around the late Wei period.  Plenty of historic inaccuracy, but most of period drama is open to artistic interpretation anyway.  I am even tempted to sign up to Hmvod "free trial" just to watch all of it, but I stopped myself.  HMV is competing in the streaming platform, why aren't they doing the same in this market?

Friday 10 August 2018

Aloe Adoption

As soon as I posted them on Freegle, there were lots of enquiries.  Let see if I can get rid of the glut!

Thursday 9 August 2018

Yushoi Pea Crisps

Yushoi pea crisps popped up in different supermarket shelves, I finally got a chance to try them.  When I got them, I looked at the packet, it is by Calbee, an old friend of a Hong Kong's childhood.

They taste good, if it is the same price and "healthier", then I would keep having them.

Wednesday 8 August 2018

New AA Rice Cooker

I asked for a new AA rice cooker to be brought from Hong Kong.  I retired the old broken AA rice cooker.

I finally made the inaugural dinner.  It definitely worth the hassle.

Now I need to think if I should keep the cheap imitation for pasta or other microwave cooking purposes.

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Aloe Overloaded II

My aloe also started having loads of babies.  After splitting out Sarah's aloe I got around to do mine. 

Another 6 aloe, what am I going to do with all of them!


Monday 6 August 2018

Rivington Go Ape!

I have always wanted to go to Rivington.  So after Temple Newsam, we have booked onto Rivington.

I came for this zip line!  Old camera quality is really bad compare to modern camera!  But I wasn't about to use my phone without a lanyard!

Although it was a shorter track, it took longer!  Good fun!  Via Ferrata next!

Sunday 5 August 2018

Little Moons Ice Cream Mochi

It was so hot, we started looking at ice-cream.  Then since we were in town, we opted for ice-cream mochi.  We got the Little Moons Mochi and waited for them to thaw.  Obviously when you are hot and tired, the wait seemed to be forever!  They tasted nice, I am not sure it justifies the cost, that reminded me to load them up when I am next in Hong Kong!

Saturday 4 August 2018

Meanwood Valley Urban Farm

We paid a visit at the Meanwood Valley Urban Farm.  We were greeted by donkeys, pigs and alpacas at the entrance, thinking there much be more beyond the entrance, it would be a bargain at £2.

Then we dutifully paid the entrance and found there weren't much, so we consoled ourselves that the money goes to good cause in educating the local children.

There are good space, the animals looked well, the garden looked diverse.  It was a little nice quick outing,

Friday 3 August 2018

Bumper Cherries Crop

A lot of fruit and vegetables are not doing well in the heatwave, but apparently cherries are, so I managed to get some marked down cherries for Sarah, they do look nice!

Thursday 2 August 2018

Clicking Shoulder(s)

Since I identified the rotator cuff problem, I started doing some strengthening exercises.  But at some points, they clicked.  Looking up the condition, it is relatively normal for shoulders to click, but the problematic right hand side is clicking very loud!  Maybe I will also start taking ibuprofen to help with the inflammation...

Wednesday 1 August 2018

Holey Trousers

As it turned out, the lovely motorcycle trousers I got from Barton had a massive hole!  Momentarily I thought to take it to an alteration shop, but Sarah said since it is leather, it would be extortionate.  Using my tiny needle, I did most of the stitching.  Sarah said I should wait for her needles to complete the task, let's hope it will be adequate to do the job.