Wednesday 31 July 2019

The Current War

I saw the Current War's trailer, I thought, "all men", it dropped off from my radar.  Then Sarah thought it would be educational, so we went.  As expected, it was full of men,except much worse than expected, just about all the extras were also men, number to thousands!  There is hardly any science in it to be educational.  People paid to see Cumberbatch, luckily we used a coupon.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

Carmichael Implosion

Vanderbilt has been sending a lot of emails to ask alumni and students to watch the implosion of Carmichael 3 and trying to sell some merchandise, which is weird.

Carmichael 3 was a marmite building, a lot of good memories, a lot of bad memories, a lot of hatred were associated with the building, and I am in the 3rd camp. 

I missed the live feed, and I watched it on the weekend afterwards.  They gutted it out well, it has a lot more dusts than normal. I am glad to see the back of it.

Monday 29 July 2019

Atypical Pizzas

We had a pizza in a Tuscany restaurant, and it was made of spelt.  It was weird.

Taking that as inspiration, we made a pizza with red Leicester and Camembert, it was also weird.

Let me try to stick with traditional recipes next time...

Sunday 28 July 2019

Barnsdale Gardens

Sarah took me to Barnsdale Garden.  This was the first garden I have visited this year.  Unlike Kew and Harlow Carr, this is meant for visitors to take achievable inspiration, so there are many small domestic gardens.

We went on a rainy day, so it was not too crowded, only two coach loads of OAPs!  I should have taken my pedometer, because we walked for miles. 

We learned about how to string up tomato plants, shaping trees/scrubs.  But I could not envisage how any of them could be my garden!

Friday 26 July 2019

Hottest on Record

It was so hot that I had to put a refrigerated bottle under my shirt at work.
It was so hot even air conditioning needs water cooling.
It was so hot that I slept on the sofa downstairs.

Thursday 25 July 2019

R&G Bobbins

I got Gary to fit the bobbins that I didn't have the key for.  They charged me £100!

Because I couldn't pick Flint up on Saturday, so I took the bus to get Steve to give me a lift to pick it up after work on one of the hottest day in the year.

It was still too hot even though I was wearing my air flow jacket!  I didn't move here for this!

Wednesday 24 July 2019

Swollen Tonsil

One of my tonsils is still swollen even when my cold is over.  It is still causing me grief.  I will see if Strepsils will work...

Tuesday 23 July 2019

The Milk Churn

We went to the Milk Churn when it was first open with nothing but ice-cream, and we had to ask for a pint of milk.  A year later, they are now kitted out to sell a few high end dairy product, lunch and hot drink.

The ice-cream is nice, a little sweet to my taste, and it melted quick!  Maybe I should choose to go on a colder day!

Monday 22 July 2019

Dalby Forrest Go Ape

This is our 5th Go Ape, and the trail is noticeably shorter than other sites.  I still cannot believe one of the stage has a single zip line...  The tree canopy was nice.

Sunday 21 July 2019

Nidd Hall

We want to Nidd Hall for afternoon tea.  The food was very nice.  The grounds was nice, I had to explain the concept of Warner Leisure to Sarah.  We will see if there are other afternoon tea opportunities at other Warner Leisure locations to take advantage of the grounds.

Saturday 20 July 2019

Waitrose Duck

We finally got around to eat the duck with pancake from Waitrose.  The duck was very well seasoned, there was plenty of meat.  We can make a note of this ready meal in the future.

Friday 19 July 2019

Glove Size Illusion

I got a new pair of thin gloves thinking they maybe too big.  When I was riding with them,  they feel right when I am grabbing the handle bars.  I should have had more faith with my sizing decision.

Thursday 18 July 2019

Out of Date Tank Pad

I fitted a new tank pad on Flint. It keep peeling back.   Maybe I should not have bought it on marked down!

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Giant Graphic Card

Vice sent me some pictures on her giant computer with her giant graphic card on a overheating issue.

I can only think it is the degrading heat transfer from the card resulting in insufficient cooling.

It is good that old friends still remember me.

Tuesday 16 July 2019


My mom said the chilli plant is perennial, so I kept it.  This year is a bit messy, and I left it.  Someone made a comment about it having white spots.  When I looked closer, the mess were all new shoots, so I pruned it, and it looks much nicer now.  Let's hope it yield better now.

Monday 15 July 2019

Electric Toothbrush Pollinating II

I thought I had to use a paint brush to pollinating the tomato, then I saw a video and the host used electric toothbrush.  It works like a charm, I also apply this method to my chilli plant, and they are fruiting nicely!  I always disliked electric toothbrush being a single function gadget, and now I am happier, both for the electric toothbrush and my plants!

Sunday 14 July 2019

Green's Mills Summer Party

I have been wanting to see Green's Mills ever since I knew it still stands.  We pretty much planned this visit since last summer.  Sarah if I was excited about the summer party, and I reminded her about the pilgrimage aspect of the visit.  I think we don't hear enough back stories on academics, and George Green was a special case, where his theorem comes with his back story.

To support the museum, we paid for the guided tour and we paid for a little pizza.  We got to see the mill close up.

Green's Mill

We played a little ping pong, and we were a little sad that the museum made way for the art stalls, so Sarah did not get to learn about Green's works.  As part of the summer festival, a fire engine came, and Sarah and I both asked loads of questions before they left to attend an actual fire call.

Saturday 13 July 2019

The LGBT Sports Podcast

Whilst helping Sarah to setup Antenna Pod, I found the LGBT Sports Podcast.  I immediately subscribed to it, and I think everyone should listen to it, and it should be a mandatory curriculum of LGBT 101!

Friday 12 July 2019

USB Tethering

The new phone has a new tethering function via USB.  Some may think it is a step backwards connecting a modem, but I think this is brilliant, both using less power and less noises.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Ice Cream of the Gods Not

I have been meaning to try the Hotel Chocolat ice-cream. The latest marketing tack calls it ice cream of the gods.  I wonder which gods they meant.  The ice-cream was nice, but it was not value for money.

Wednesday 10 July 2019

Favarger Heritage 38% Milk Chocolate

I bought this just to use up the Francs.  They were expensive, but I wouldn't be bothered with the Swiss anymore.


Tuesday 9 July 2019

Supermarket Full House

I set out to go to Waitrose and Asda.  Since there was an Aldi and Fultons are next to Waitrose, I threw them in.

Whilst I was driving past Headingley, I stopped at Salvo Deli, Wilco and Sainsbury.

On my way back, I made a wrong turn, and ended up on A64, so I stopped at Kapaty, which happens to be next to an Iceland.

I have been meaning to return something at Sports Direct.  On my way to Roundhay Sports Direct, I got lost and ended up in a Lidl!

I finally got to Sports Direct, which is next to Tesco.  And to complete the list, there was also a Home Bargain near by. 

An extremely inefficient day, but it was quite an achievement.

Monday 8 July 2019

Well Used Ankle Support

When I used to play basketball, I needed them.  I might have used them a few more times when I played tennis.  Anywho, I brought them to the UK, and they have been sitting in the box for years until Sarah needed them last year.  And recently, I needed it, but by now, they are very worn and damaged.  I think I will retire them when I am done with them this time.

Sunday 7 July 2019

AVEN Tank Pad

I got a new tank pad on offer as my old tank pad started to peel.  Sarah immediately said it was AVEN colour.  I was sure it was blue.  Now that I fitted it, it does look purple.  I will just claim it as my AVEN mark on Flint.

Saturday 6 July 2019

Ryvita Original

Last time I for some Ryvita Sunflower Seeds, edible.  Ryvita Original, looks like cardboard, tastes like cardboard.  I seasoned it with really thick soup.

Friday 5 July 2019

Pink Money

Once upon a time, LGBT community was told to vote with our wallet to force the companies to be more inclusive.  These days, everyone slap on the rainbow stickers wanting to get all the pink money they can.

Thursday 4 July 2019

Frey Suprême 'Noir Authentique' 78%

As I am working thorough my pile, I got to another Frey.

The last Frey bar 68% was a bit sweet. This taste darker, but rather blend.  Maybe I shouldn't be bothered with Swiss dark chocolate.

Wednesday 3 July 2019

Pollinating with Electric Toothbrush

I was just searching on how to pollinate tomato, and they recommended to use a electric tooth brush to vibrate out the pollen, weird!

Tuesday 2 July 2019

Pizza Toppings

Since Pizza Hut has unlimited salad bar, I decided to use some salad items on the pizza, namely onions, corns.  Works like a treat!

Monday 1 July 2019

World of Kawasaki 2019

We were looking for something to do and we found World of Kawasaki at Donnington, so we planned our day around it.

We got there for 9am thinking we will be one of the first ones to arrive, there were already tons of bikes.  We went straight to the road demo counter to sign up.  By the time I got there, most of the H2 demo bikes slots were taken!  So I reluctantly signed up for the ZZR 1400 demo.  

Andy had the ZZR 1400, then Steve got one, then Stuart got one.  It was nice, rode like little Rome!  So the ZZR 1400 is the largest cc bike I have ridden.  Overall it is very good, apart from the non-existent rear brake and the curb weight.   I am still not sure this justify the cost.

I failed to convince Sarah to take on a free motorcycle lesson...  I really think riding a bike and riding a motorcycle is basic life skills that everyone should learn.

The most interesting demo is the little kids riding cross bikes, with the youngest being 5 years old!