Wednesday 4 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 5

We were on the move again, further West to Penzance.  Sarah took the train and stayed mostly dry, and by the time I got to the hostel to drop off the luggage, I was a drown rat.

It was only 7 miles from Penzance to St Ives, but it felt so much further.  As soon as we parked up, we looked for place to hide from the rain.  The queue at the Tate's cafe was too long, so we went to Cornish Bakery for a coffee, followed by Cornish Deli for lunch.

Luckily by then, it was all cleared up and we explored both beaches and headland before we went to Land's End on the coastal road.

We did the obligatory walk around and took the picture in Land's End before going back to Penzance.

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