Sunday 1 September 2019

Devon and Cornwall Grand Tour - Day 2

Our grand tour officially starts with a little South Devon tour.  I avoided A38 by going across tiny roads on Dartmoor.  It was hard work.  By the time we got to Buckfast, it was lunch time.  Buckfast has been rebuilt in the 19th century.  I could not make up my mind about what to eat, so I went for a pasty.  It was meant to be a chicken pasty, but it turned out to be a beef pasty.  It has more beef than the two Cornish pasties I had.  They do still sell Buckfast tonic wine here.

Dartmouth Castle was nice.  Sarah went on a bonus walk to see Sugary Cove.

Then we went deep into the South Devon AONB to Avon Mill for a top rated afternoon tea,  Sarah has given it a thumbs up.

On the way back, we stopped at Totnes Castle for another Motte and Bailey castle!

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