Wednesday 16 September 2020

Snaizeholme Red Squirrel Trail

As we drove in the area, we saw loads of red squirrel signs. So we look into it, there is a Red Squirrel Trail in the area. Additionally, we saw our first English red squirrel helping itself with the bird feeder peanuts, we then believed the red squirrel sign was not just a plot to get people to drive slower. 
The red squirrel outside the cottage fattened up with the bird feeder peanuts.

I was not convinced we would be seeing red squirrels in the wild, not knowing their active hours, etc.  At least we managed to get parked on a cloudy day.  
The red squirrel trail is in the pine area.
Soon after the start of the trail, I even snapped one amongst the pine.
But this is the real reason why the squirrels gather!

As soon as you are out of the pine area, you are back onto the typical sheepy marshy land.

When I got home to look at all the close up picture of the squirrels, none of their ears are tufted! Missold! I suspect it is a cold weather hair. If I see them again in Winter, I will check again.

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