Tuesday 22 September 2020

Windermere Standup Paddleboarding

I have been meaning to try standup paddleboarding. Having learnt kayak and canoe, this shouldn't be a problem. I signed up with Leeds council at Yeadon but was cancelled by Covid. I found Lake District Paddleboarding, so I went for it. 
The initial forecast was good, so I didn't bother hiring wet suit. Then the forecast changed to rainy; in grand scheme of thing, it is no big detriment to the water sport experience. Actually the weather was very good after some rain at the beginning.

I was so confident that I wasn't going to fall in, but I did.  

It was meant to be a river safari, but it rained the night before and the river was very fast, so we had to turn around.  I am glad I ticked it off. 

Easier to fall off, going shorter distance, I am not seeing the appeal of SUP, I probably wouldn't bother again.

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