Friday 30 October 2020

Pain de Campagne aka Miche

We were at the Leeds Bread Coop and saw this massive round loaf labelled as Miche.  When we say massive, we meant MASSIVE, it is size of 4 loaves or more, a normal bread knife won't cut it, you need a Katana.  I thought I might have seen it on the Bake Off a few years ago, something to do with French farmer.  The Leeds Bread Coop staff tried to explained it to us, and that they sell the Miche in halves and quarters.

So I looked it up, "miche" is just the French word for loaf!  This kind of giant farmer's loaf is called Pain de Campagne, but just colloquially called miche.  Some sources say it usually comes in 2kg or 4kg loaf!  Now that is a challenge!

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